
Is it appropriate to ask my boss *now* if my job’s in jeopardy?

by  |  earlier

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We just lost an account today. Not a MAJOR one but enough to cover my salary.

Should I wait until Monday? We just got hit with the news…




  1. how about send an e-mail, about an hour or two before the end of the day on friday, and hope he dosnt read it. and if he does there wont be much time left in the day to do anything about it.

  2. Was it your fault that you guys lost the account?

    If you are really worried about it, then I say yes. I always have had open lines of communication with my employers and its great! But then,I've never been fired from a job.  

  3. Here are my two cents.

    If the account was lost because of your poor performance then you may have a problem.  If not, but the loss of the account affects the bottom line to the point where the company is going to not be able to afford you then I would start putting out feelers ******* without your boss OR ANYONE ELSE knowing it.  Don't use the company phone and don't use the company email.

    If you have excellent communication and rapport with your boss, just get your boss alone and ask your boss outright if this loss is going to affect you directly.  He / she may not even know themselves.  

    It seems as though you think there might be a potential problem just because you asked this question.

    This is a tough one.  Maybe you can listen to the office comments before doing anything to see if this was really a big enough account loss to warrant concern on your part.  Watch how your boss treats you today and how his boss treats him if you can.  Your boss may need to wait to hear from his boss.  There is always a higher chain of command.  

    Ask, observe, research. . . What has happened to others who have lost clients before?  Are they still there?  Don't be impulsive, and on the other hand, if they are going to fire you, regardless of whether you talk to them today or Monday, it's not going to make a bit of difference.  

    Don't sue me for wrong advice as these are just my opinions, but if it was me, I would be concerned but not overly reactive.

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