
Is it appropriate to wear shorts in Sicily?

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Yet another question before my trip in June. Allow me to clarify: I am talking about short-shorts, ones that end a little bit above mid-thigh. Some people have told me it is fine, but others said I will get unwanted attention and that it is not appropriate.

So is it ok to wear shorts like this or not?




  1. would you wear shorts in your hometown? If so, why shouldn't you wear them in Sicily?

  2. it's really OK, nobody ll tell u or think anything...

  3. You can wear whatever you want...

    Anyway I think that those kind of shorts are perfect for the beach and not to walk around the city.

    If you really wanna wear shorts be prepared to get a lot of male attention and various comments.

    C ya

  4. I lived in Italy for 13 years and unless you don't care or doesn't matter to you then don't wore, the only thing i will say about that is confine that to the beach and don't ware that in town because then you will draw a lot of attention and that kind you don't want.

    I was on a military base and worked for the military in Catania, Sicily.

  5. why not???

  6. if it is appropriate in your country so it is in mine.

    what do you mean with "appropriate"?

    sicily is like the rest of the world. women can wear mini-skirt, heavy make-up, show a lot of cleavage. we can even talk to men!

  7. uhmmm's not very appropriate

    although there are tourists from a specific european country who wear sandals with socks -_-

  8. Perfectly OK at seaside locations, near the beach etc. Never OK if you're visiting a church.

    Other than those places, you can wear them - generally - but yes, they're borderline inappropriate (esp. in smaller towns) and get ready for unwanted attention/comments/ strange looks. People in Italy like to stare at you and comment. I know, I'm one of them...

  9. It's ok if you are visiting the beach or the seaside. For the city you might want to go with a lower pair of shorts, you might want to visit an artistic church and they won't let you in without "appropiate" clothing (it's like if you are going to a mosque in Turkey they might ask you to remove your shoes and wear a scarf on your head, it's a matter of respect).

  10. You can wear whatever you want!!!obviously they are perfect for the sea-side but you can also use that to travel or see the places...

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