
Is it as easy to get into college with a homeschooled diploma or by graduating from public school?

by Guest58072  |  earlier

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The homeschool diploma is from an actual school, its like distance education. You make monthly payments and pick up your work every month and you graduate faster. Would it be hard to get accepted to a decent college? Not like Harvard, or even necessarily a university but a community college?




  1. Having been homeschooled myself it is really simple. Your home shcooling high school diploma comes from the district in which you were home schooled in. You will definitely want to take your SAT's and apply for as many scholarships as possible. Your first two years of college should be a breeze considering the fact that a normal home schooler normally scores far better than the national average. Plus you have the advantage of a 1-on-1 class size! Don't settle or even think that just because you are home schooled you are second best. I was scoring far beyond the national average for a normal Associates Degree by the time I was 10 all from home schooling. Go for the big prize and see where it gets you.

  2. Well, colleges look at more than just where the diploma came from.  What was your GPA?  Did you take the harder courses like some math above Algebra 2 and Chemistry?  What was you SAT or ACT score?  Did you do extracurricular activities or volunteer work?  

    Colleges look at all of that and more, but if you only want to go to community college they will usually let people in without any diploma at all, most of them have remedial classes designed for people with little to no education, they also have more difficult classes for those who have been educated before.  You should have no trouble getting into a community college, they might ask that you take a placement test of some sort to decide what level of classes you should start with.

  3. A community college would probably just have you take an entrance exam of sorts to see where you place in the basic subjects..  That's all they did for me. I got accepted right away. After you get accepted to a community college, it's fairly easy to transfer to a regular university to finish if you have decent grades in community college..

  4. Homeschooled kids usually start college at about 15-16 and just transfer the credits from those classes into the University they choose.  I have four kids-- all homeschooled-- and all have been in at least one college class.  The three older kids went to college and the baby is still in highschool (homeschool), but took the first college course last summer.  There is no problem going to college with a homeschooling diploma.

  5. home school diploma is from an actual school but if your going up against people from the regular system and there is a waiting list there could be a problem. The entrance test if any should be a deciding factor and would be fair.

  6. They don't care much about the diploma and where it came from. They care more about your track record, your SAT scores, your extra-curricular activities, etc.

  7. Hey, don't set your sites so low!! I know, if you have proof of a HS equivalent education, you can get into college. Of course you have to pass all of your subjects. You can contact any college and find out what is required. That doesn't mean you have to go to that college. Student advisers are more than willing to share with you the general information you are seeking.

      Call a local college and ask to speak to a student adviser. Then ask the same question you have asked here. You will get your questions answered...and some you may have not thought to ask will be answered as well.

      I think its great that you want to continue school!!! THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN'T DO...ONLY THINGS YOU HAVEN'T LEARNED TO DO YET...THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!

  8. It's really your Grades and Aptitude that count -- more than where you got your high school diploma from. Getting into Community College with a homeschooled / public school diploma should be easy as long as you're able to prove your suitability. It's really quite simple.

  9. The only schools that I'm aware of that care where you got your diploma is the UC system...and you can bypass that by getting your gen ed done at a junior college and transferring in.

    Every other school, from the local community college to Ivy League, will accept a homeschool diploma.  What schools really look for are your transcript, your test scores, your community involvement, your leadership experience, and any other interesting things you've done through high school.  

    In the 15 years since I graduated, I haven't had one entity - from a school I was applying to to an employer - ask for my diploma.  They just care that you actually graduate, then they look at everything else.

  10. I am now a sophomore in college, but was homeschooled from 5th grade on. I didn't have a home school diploma or naything, but I got in just fine. The way I did it was my mom had prepared a transcript for me. It had all the courses I had taken and for everything she thought I had mastered, she gave me an A and even chose how many credit hours each subject was worth. I think that may have helped a lot.

  11. No it is not as easy; often it's easier. The things that make us 'weird' in the eyes of schooled teenagers can also make us very appealing to colleges/universities.

  12. It depnds on a few other things, grade average,SAT scores,teachers comments when contacted..Sports if you played any time.They are looking for wellrounded students whom devote time to making good grades.

  13. Well, there's a lot that is taken into consideration.  For instance, SAT and ACT scores are one thing they consider.  

    As far as getting into a school's based on quota.  They need a certain amount of people from each type of background/lifestyle/and if you went to public/private/homeschool.

  14. As a casemanger to high school students that go your route or get their GED, the only time it makes it difficult to get into a   government program or a 4 year college is with a GED.  You should have no problems at all.  Graduating faster shows motivation and dedication.  Good Luck!

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