
Is it bad being a cancer?

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I'm a cancer but im very sweet and enjoy going out a few times! im smart than the rest of the students in my class and willing to help anyone in need. why do everyone say that cancers are bad people? has horoscopes actually gotten to people head? because its really sad to know that people base a person off a horoscope. I'm very sorry but i wanted to know -_-




  1. cancers are badazz. All the cancers I know are mysterious and it's like when you look into their eyes, you can see their soul and visa versa. I have a crush on a cancer, and it was the first time I had even been chased. haha Cancers are very intense people who intrigue me. I like how emotional and "clingy" they are. Clingy is root word for LOYALTY. Taureans LOVE loyalty. They're really nice people under the selfishness, moodiness, and mystery. I love them.

  2. No! I don't thing cancer's are bad. Their actually a good friend and can be their for you emotionally as well. I'm a Taurus and Me and cancer get along.

  3. Its not bad at all! People think Cancers are emotional, but they're not as emotion as Pisces. Cancers are wonderful people. Very sweet and loves family and home :)

  4. Bad for me I have a Cancer Ex Gf. That used me to get what she wants....Stuff that she wants. Because I have the money.

    But me being an Aries I was at fault for being too stubborn and love struck to notice that she was using me.

    Cancer's Are Mean to me. I met other cancers and they're mean.

    But I'm sure you're the only nice Cancer around. And the person above me too

  5. NOO it is not bad to be a cancer! every sign has it's good and bad points, and some people don't even portray behavior which is supposed to occur in that particular sign!

    and don't be sorry you were just curious!


  6. some think of us as shy cry baby pushovers...

    h**l to da no!!! we are the furthest thing from pushovers.

    just cuz we don't blow up at the smallest things...doesn't make us weak. it means we have self-control

    be proud. we know when to throw down when we want to ^_^

    cancer w/ aries rising

    johnthebold: yes. i'm actually very nice unless someone messes w/ me. lol but sorry to hear about your bad experience. us cancers aren't all llike that, although we can be bi*ches on our bad days. (ps: aries are awesome. i should know, i've got me an aries ascendent) yay

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