
Is it bad etiquette to leave a pool table at a bar after winning?

by  |  earlier

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I was playing pool by myself at a local bar practicing some shots. A guy comes up and placed his quarters on the rack and we played. He was clearly a better player, but I got hot and I beat him and then quit (I didn't really want to play anyone else in the first place). Did I owe him a rematch or was it o.k. for me to quit?




  1. he was probably happy to get the table.  no problem.  if you're playing for money is generally polite to stay for a rematch.

  2. It is fine to quit. He will get his rematch when you are ready for one.

  3. perfectly fine man .. its not the queens tea party that u need to show etiquettes ... thats not whats imp .. imp is that u quit while ahead .. thats what i call etiquette ...

  4. He let you live right? So I guess it was ok..

  5. This is America; you can quit whenever you want.

  6. It's fine to quit.. you "had" the table, so as long as no one else challenged you, you could quit anytime you wanted to. If he was setting you up for a money match, it's probably a good thing you quit...

  7. its usually good manners to say that this is you last match or so

  8. If ther's no cash on the line then why not? You have to stop playing sometime. If there is cash on the line you might want to wait to see about a rematch. Quarters are nothing to sweat about....

  9. no just tell him you got to go

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