
Is it bad for a boy to have his right ear pierced? My son is 6 and wanted both done but only made it thru 1.?

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When I was a kid it made a statement of your sexual preferance if you a boy had his right ear pierced. Left ment that you liked girls and right ment that you liked boys. I dont think this is the case now as people pierce just about everything. He wanted both pierced like his friend just had done but the girl did the right first and then he got scared and wouldnt do the left one.




  1. <p>It doesn't matter which one you get pierced. It looks great either way. Having both pierced is good too. Just do whatever you want. There is no rule about g*y or straight or whatever.</p>

  2. It doesn't matter which one you get pierced. It looks great either way. Having both pierced is good too. Just do whatever you want. There is no rule about g*y or straight or whatever.

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