
Is it bad for baby turtles to be carried around?

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i jsut got 2 babt turtles and im attached to them already

its summer time and im going to lots of parks

and i want to bring them around with me

yestruday i toook them top the beach

is it bad that i take them to aprks and all that?




  1. I would say no. The more they go around, especially with you, the friendlier they will be. I would just be careful not to take them around wild turtles (that sounds funny :P) because they may get sick. Just handling them though and taking them outside is perfectly fine. It's only natural for them.

  2. Salt water at the beach may not be good for them. It all depends on what kind of turtle it is. Most turtles need to be able to get wet every so often but it need to be non chlorinated water. Unless it is a salt water turtle dont put it in salt water. Also you might should buy a gallon of distilled water to carry with you.

  3. Its bad for you. Turtles (EXPESCIALLY ONES UNDER 4 INS.) can carry salmonella.This is from them beign coverded in bacteria. Turtles are known to have it more than any other reptile and baby ones have such severe cases that most people die from it. Look it up on google or ask any pet worker.Its true.

  4. just make sure you arent introducing any bad elements such as germs, predators or too much heat to them.

    make sure you wash your hands, reptiles carry tons of bacteria!

  5. well sometimes it can be bad for baby turtles to be carried around but thats if u carry them around a lot. U could probably hold them and take them to the beach or something like that  but wait untill there a little bit older and then u can probably take them somewhere. But since they are just babies and if u want to take them somewhere than make sure they are in a cage. Hope i helped!

  6. depends on their size. Its better to let them develop in watever their medium is. Also, turtles are reptiles, they dont have fraternal feelings with humans so probably they dont feel comfortable being carried around.

  7. not at all..

  8. It's only bad if you want your turtles to live long and happy lives. Otherwise, go nuts.

  9. Only if you go from carrying them around to making a sandwich without washing in between to get rid of the potential salmonella bacteria.  That could be bad, but not so much for the turtles.

  10. If you want a pet to carry around with you, buy a puppy. You are doing your turtles no favors by handling them. What you are doing is shortening their lifespans.

  11. nope just make sure u dont lose track of them

    if u lose one it might not survive

  12. Interesting i got 2 baby turtles and change the water about every 2 days to keep the water clean.

    However i have those turtles for a month take them out of the water and play with them for about for 5 to 10 mins as long as i keep them wet.

    So you can take them as long as u got a little fish tank that u can carry and haves a handle.

    Always have clean hands when handling them they are very fragile.

    I had mines and often take them out of the water and put it in a big bowl of water for them to swim.

    You can always take them anywhere as long as you dont take em off the water for too long.

    If your gonna put them on the ground always makes sure u add something a little wet like a wet towel or clothe and take them wherever you go.

    I always do i never leave them home alone because my cat always made a meal out of them.

  13. yes,,,its bad.couz it is ababy

  14. YES!

    They are scared already and should just be left alone in their aquarium!

    Visit this site for more information- .

    And if they are not salt turtles they should not be taken to the beach and should not have been taken from the OCEAN!

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