
Is it bad for cats to have sugar?

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Is it bad for cats to have sugar?




  1. I remember one time I was eating some Keebler brand chocolate covered wafer cookies and my kitten came up to check them out. I figured she was just curious and if I let her sniff it a moment she'd lose interest, but she bit it and ate some of it instead!!

    That was back in 2004. She's still healthy today, so I don't think you need to worry very much if your cat accidentally has a bit of sugar or chocolate.

    Just don't make a habit of giving it to her, LOL!

  2. if the cat ate just a little amount of sugar it's alright but if the cat eats lots and lots of sugar the cat will have diabetes and will have many complications.

  3. Forget any myths you have heard about cats not being able to taste sweet things or sugar, because this is just not so. Cats just like other warm blooded animals can taste sweet, sour, tart, etc. Some cats have a particular like for sugary things, we have a cat, who will l**k the sweet icing off of the pastries and if you give him a slice of cake, like a child, the frosting is the first thing he eats.

    Chocolate is supposed to be bad for cats and dogs because their bodies do not metabolize it propertly, but over the years none of my animals have suffered anything bad from having eaten a bit of chocolate. My cats do not care for tuna or any type of seafood, but will fight you for a piece of potato or chicken.

    I have had all sorts of animals, warm blooded and cold blooded for the past 55 years plus.

    I also have an older brother who is a Vet, here in Texas and with my oldest cat who is 18, still eats frosting and he says she is doing fine.

    It's really up to you and your cat's preference in food.

  4. YYYYEEESSS!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Cats can NOT taste sugar.  Cocolate is bad for them just like it is for dogs but an 'accident' won't kill them either. Your kitty will LOVE you if you give him/her tuna or chicken etc, lol. Please make sure you don't feed your kitty JUST dry cat food ! Cats / kittens need soft food too - it's good for them and their kidneys - a life time of dry food ONLY is bad for them !

  6. Cats are sweet enough so u dont have to give them sugar, honey !!!

  7. Cats have likes and dislikes just like humans and like humans they don't get diabetes from eating sugar, this is one of the silliest things parents teach their children. You or your cat can get diabetes when your pancreas no longer functions properly, so it either doesn't provide enough insulin for the body or it doesn't metabolize it properly. This is the cause of diabetes, not from massive sugar consumption. Please check your facts people, before posting your answers.

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