
Is it bad for my 9 month old baby to eat rabbit p**p?

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My fiance and i have 2 rabbits. Our daughter puts EVERYTHING she can get her lil hands on in her mouth. Lately, shes been getting ahold of rabbit p**p. Is it bad for her? I dont want her to get sick and she has only gotten 3 in the past 2 months, but it still worries my fiance(her mom) like crazy. Can anyone help us?




  1. You have to be kidding me , right? If you let your baby have access to rabbit f***s in the first place she should be taken away from you, now.  Would you eat  rabbit or any other shiat? Don't be ridiculous yes it will hurt your nine month old if she eats rabbit p**p.

  2. It is bad for EVERYONE to touch much less to eat faeces. I recommend taking her not to the vet, but to the doctor right away.

  3. you know some people are so rude..i wonder if she has kids..ANYWAY..

    it is not going to kill her by any means. it is not however good for her either, which i am sure you know. there is bacteria in it just like any other p**p, so i would say that until she is a little older and can understand what no means, to keep her away from the rabbits. maybe put them in a room with a door or a gate? she could get sick, however i am sure it would be unlikley with the little she has actually ate. if she comes down with diarreah or anything out of the ordinary, have her checked out and be sure to mention the p**p eating to her doctor. good luck.

  4. I would think it is bad for anybody to eat f***s. Why can't you people separate the baby from your pets? How can she get to it? Why is she being left unattended at this age?

  5. Is there something wrong with you.  p**p is filled with bacteria no matter what animal it comes from.  

  6. For those of you who don't have rabbits or understand how hard it is to keep them clean, you shouldn't be answering this question.

    Even if bunnies are litter trained, some things just get tracked everywhere. Accidents happen. It sticks to fur. It's impossible to keep all of the rabbit p**p in the litter box.

    I doubt it's that bad. It's only hay and veggies, right? I wouldn't suggest feeding it to her on a platter, and definitely try to teach her that it's a bad thing, but I wouldn't worry too much.

  7. Are your rabbits not litter trained?  If not then I would.  Also if they are, how is the baby getting into the litter?  Also do not let her eat litter either.  It is not good for her I am sure.  I would just call her doctor and tell them what has happened, and ask what you should do.  I would just try to do a better job of cleaning up the rabbit poo, and keep your daughter away from them right now.  Also keep the rabbits in another room if the baby is out and about, and then clean up after your rabbits.  I would also ask your vet if they are any shots rabbits can have just in case your daughter would ever get to close and one would bite they can sometimes...mine did and also bit my daughters.  

  8. I would think so; definately take her to a peteatrician! Actually, try to get in touch with the peteatrician ASAP. It is bacteria, but I am sure it wont kill her to do it just once.

  9. Lol well to be honest...I can't say it's GOOD for your daughter, however I very much doubt a small amount of it will do anything. Let's face it - rabbit p**p is mainly made up of water/vegetables and perhaps straw and pellets. But really you should try and prevent her eating it. The human digestive system is pretty good so I very much doubt anything will happen especially as it's only been '3' in the last 2 months.

  10. if the rabbit gets sick or eats somthing not verry good, your daughter will be eating it too through the p**p.  i say you should try to watch her as best as possible.

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