
Is it bad for my cell phone to keep it charging even after the battery fills up?

by Guest33033  |  earlier

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Is it bad for my cell phone to keep it charging even after the battery fills up?




  1. yea

    i learned not to do it the hard way

  2. whoaaa i didnt know it was bad!!

  3. no its not i put my iphone in charge  for like 2 days man and i takes good care of my iphone

  4. yes. only charge it when its really low, and only until it reaches a full battery

  5. Yes, it drains the battery.

  6. Most recent cell phones stop charging once the battery is full.

  7. Yes, it is not the best for your phone, but I have charged my cell phone overnight every night for the past year.  The battery doesn't last as long as it did when I first got the phone, but it isn't that bad of a difference.  Maybe 20 minutes less of battery.  If you use your phone as an alarm clock like I do, or u need it fully charged and on when you wake up, then it is okay to keep your phone on the charger for as long as you need it to.

  8. "keep it charging"...."battery fills up?".. so the battery is FULL and its NOT charging anymore. What you mean is you just did not UNPLUG the charger.

    Since its already full, there should be no activity from the charger to the phone, (like electrical current flowing). Modern chargers have sensor/switch chips that would automatically disconnect and so as your cellphone. You can feel the charger cools down when the phone it is charging fills up, unlike while in the charging process where the charger is warm indicating that its supplying charge to the battery. So its not bad for phones to remain connected to the charger after the battery fills up,

    But for SAFETY and just to comply with those myths from the fire department..its always recommended to DETACH the charger from the wall, and also the phone from the charger. Its better to be a bit of paranoid.

  9. yup

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