
Is it bad for the fish if you put your hands inside the tank.?

by  |  earlier

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Ex: in order to reach in and either fix a decor or reach in with a net to get a dead body




  1. Only if you have soap or lotion residue on your hands. Just rinse your hands really good b4 putting them n if you have used lotions or anything like that today.

  2. Just make sure that your hands, arms are clean and free of any lotion, oils, or perfume, I stick my hands in mine in order to re-arrange. No problems with fish dying after I have messed with them.

  3. If your hands are clean (that includes wrists and arms that touch the water)and do not have lotions ,soap residue,oils or gasoline etc on them it will be fine. The idea is to keep toxins out of the water----Yogi

  4. if ur hand is wet no but if it is drigh yes. also its possible that it could die if u keep it in ur hand for a long time!!

  5. No. not at all. Just make sure you dont have any vicous fish that will nip your fingers.

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