
Is it bad for you to eat soap

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Yesterday I was eating a slice of bread and realized it was moldy. I thought back to health class and remembered talking about how dangerous mold is-it can and often does kill people. I became terrified and hastily sought sought a way to prevent or at least mitigate the effects of the deadly spores. I brushed my teeth but still had chunks of bread in between them, and because I was anticipating a sudden, painful demise at any second, without any consideration of the consequences grabbed my bar of soap out of the shower (Irish Spring, of course) and took a big bite. I took some water with the soap and swished it around in my mouth for a while, and then swallowed the unpleasant concoction and deemed my mouth cleansed. The bad taste took a while to subside, but I seemed to be fine and congratulated myself on a heroic last-minute rescue. I woke up this morning and hade a terrible stomach-ache and it hasn't gone away for 4 hours now. I thought maybe it had something to do with the base properties of the soap reacting with the acid of my stomach.




  1. a little bit of moldy bread won't kill you. eating soap won't kill you. but you'll have one h**l of a stomach ache for a while!  you'll also get dierrhea pretty bad. here's some foods that can help heal your stomach...

    cooked carrots

    baked potatoes, sans dairy



    stay away from fatty, greasy foods for a little while and no spicy foods either.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  2. putting soap in a young child's mouth for talking back is fine. EATING or CONSUMING soap is not a good thing to be doing at all.

    bread mold will not harm you, you might get a tummy ache.

    but soap is no good, i would call the DR office and ask for advice.

  3. Soap ain't meant to be eaten! Seek medical help!

  4. WTF?????? Why would you eat soap? Yes,eating soap is very bad!!!

  5. Don't bread normally get pretty dog gone hard before it molds?

    I check the date on stuff like that it don't matter if I bought it two days ago.

  6. Yeess. Don't eat soap.  

  7. It's purported to cause blindness...haven't you seen A Christmas Story?

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