
Is it bad for your ears to go to sleep with your earbuds in???

by  |  earlier

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  1. EARBUDS damge the sense particules of the internal ears, wich cause the loss of hearing  when people get older.

    Not only are earbuds placed directly into the ear, they can boost the sound signal by as much as six to nine decibels.

    SO when u are awake turn them down

    AND when ur sleepimg turn them OFF.

  2. If the volume is on, then yes. If the volume is not on, then no. For one thing, they would probably work themselves out as you moved around while asleep. If you have them in 24/7 (or nearly) then you're probably going to end up with excess ear wax. But the actual ear bud itself doesn't damage your ears; the excessive volume of whatever you listen to is what causes damage.

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