
Is it bad if i get hit in the head everyday?

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Well I'm 14 years old and i get hit in the head pretty much everyday. I get hit in the head because my sister hits me every day. And HARD too. She is 16 years old and hits really hard.My mom doesn't really notice when i get hit because she is out of the house alot (her job) and when i tell her she just says whats done is done.So the question im asking is is it bad if u get hit in the head everyday? And yes she hits hard.




  1. Yes, getting hit in the head everyday is NOT GOOD.  The question is, how to get your sister to stop.  You don't necessarily have to hit her back, although that would be the shortest route.  

  2. she could cause you to have a concussion, which can be very dangerous.  Have someone secretly videotape her doing it a few times then show it to your mom. maybe your mom will take it seriously if she sees it for herself.

  3. well, it cant be good!

  4. Yes because you loose brain cells when ever you hit your head if you loose to many brain cells you could damage your brain and when she hits you hit her back or cry really hard till your mom gets home and she freak and try to make it all better so your mom sees you in bad condition.

  5. Tell her to stop. If she doesn't do the same.

  6. tell her to stop if she doenst threaten her by keeping a knife on you all the time, ask her why she is being sadistic and tell her shell never get layed the way she asks

  7. Hit her back harder

  8. yes!!!!

    you could get a concusion or something like that after awhile

  9. yeah, you coudl eventually get brain damage,.

  10. well u could get brain damage but not until you get older say 40?

  11. hitting people in the head causes a serious case of HIV, sorry

  12. yes it's bad

    just play a prank on her, next time she hits dead for 5 seconds

    like betend your knocked out, just drop to the floor...

    then keep saying your dizzy, really play on it

    and she'll be $hit scerd and won't do it again!

  13. yes tell her to stop  

  14. Grow a set and punch her back.

  15. Maybe you should wear a helmet. Getting hit hard in the head on a regular basis cannot be good for anyone.  

  16. Do you realize that women have 60% less upper body strength than men? So unless you're seven and she's twenty-one, hit her back. Then she'll stop.

  17. you will turn into mohammed ali, he is all shakey and messed up.

  18. YES that's badd

    you lose brain cells

    it's okay once in a while

    but everyday is bad and tell her to stop!!!!

  19. well if it is a regular deal then yes you can get brain damage from it.... look at boxers...

  20. Abuse! Sister Abuse the worst kind! =(

  21. yea - every time you get hit in the head you loose like 10 (more or less) neurons.

    not only that - you might be psychologically damaged -

    tell her to stop.  

  22. ummm yeah cause you loose brain cells everytime you get hit in the head

  23. either hit her back or stay away from her  

  24. oh man:)) that's very your sister crazy? you need to tell your parents about it..

  25. Go sister! Woot!  

  26. Well I would think it would be a bad thing.

    Maybe not bad enough to cause,say, brain damage.

    But bad.

  27. First of all your sister is a ***** and second of all your mom should do something about it... you know what i would do if it was my big sister? I would punch her in the arm really frikin hard... but your a dude so it doesn't really work that way.. sorry lol :( lifes tough.  

  28. It's gonna hurt, which isn't necessarily a good thing. As long as there isn't any cuts or large bumps, you will be okay.

  29. why don't u push her away, u can't let anyone do that to you. of course it is really bad if someone hits you in the head everyday, you can have severe injuries. i would tell your mom or if she doesn't care then call the police on her so she will not do it agaiN!

  30. It can do damage to you if she keeps it up

  31. okay go up to her and yell as loud as you can to stop then ***** slap her fast across the face tell her she needs  to pay for and head injuries no and in the future so take like 25,00 dollars  ....... yes its bad

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