
Is it bad if round your wound is numb?

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i have a wound on my hand stitchs have been taken out but round the area of the wound its numb is this normal and what does it mean?




  1. Superficial nerve endings are very small, so it is unlikely that after a laceration repair they will ever fully grow back together. Some doctors will tell you that it takes about a month per millimeter of possible separation of the nerve endings for your sensation to come back completely. So, be patient.

  2. you may have lost nerve endings in that area x

  3. basically its due to nerve damage.

    depending on the degree of the damage will depend on if you will get the feeling back totally or not.

  4. that is normal as its the scar tissue, loses its nerve sensations.

  5. You will get feeling back but depending on where it is not completely.

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