
Is it bad if your fingers tingle and get numb playing games?

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sometimes while i play half life 2 on the computer, constantly pressing buttons on the board and mouse, my fingers get tingly and numb. is this bad?




  1. probably playing to much, just take a break when it happens and see if that helps.

  2. its carpal tunnel syndrone which is a pinched nerve and there is nothing you can do but wear a wrist brace to keep your wrist stable and surgery,eventually it will get worsr and very painful sometimes.

  3. Always see your doctor if you experience frequent or persistent bouts of pins and needles.

    Pins and needles can be caused by a wide range of events and conditions, including:

    Pressure on nerves

    Reduced blood supply

    Nerve injury

    Hyperventilation or breathing excessively

    The effect of toxic substances on the nerves, such as alcohol or lead

    Certain medications


    Multiple sclerosis

    Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

    Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)


    Treatment depends on the cause. For example, carpal tunnel syndrome may be treated with rest, splinting and medications such as anti-inflammatory and diuretic drugs. A nerve pinched by bone or some other tissue may need chiropractic or physiotherapy, or perhaps surgery to ease the pressure and allow full nerve functioning to resume. Underlying conditions such as diabetes need to be properly controlled to ease associated symptoms, including pins and needles. The symptoms of nerve inflammation and damage caused by chronic overconsumption of alcohol generally improve once the person stops drinking.

  4. You have the same thing I have.

    You do have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Its not necessarily bad but you do have to take some breaks

    because if you don't your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome will only get worse

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is un curable, however the pain does go away for a while, but since your arm has had it once its weak and fragile.

    Some of the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are:

    -Sleep interruption from numb hands

    - Waking up -- Hands Numb and in Pain

    - Pain in Hand and Wrist - Weakness in Hand and Wrist

    - Pain Radiating up the Forearm - Poor Circulation, Hands falling asleep

    - Cold Hands - Forearms warm - Loss of Hand Grip Strength

    - Loss of Feeling in Fingers/Thumb - Dropping Objects, Clumsiness

    - Lost Time at Work - Interruption of Earnings

    - Loss of fine motor skills in hands - Aching Shoulders and Neck

    Tingling or numbness in your fingers or hand, especially your thumb, index, middle or ring fingers, but not your little finger. This sensation often occurs while driving a vehicle or holding a phone or a newspaper or upon awakening. Many people "shake out" their hands to relieve their symptoms.

    Pain radiating or extending from your wrist up your arm to your shoulder or down into your palm or fingers, especially after forceful or repetitive use. This usually occurs on palm side of your forearm.

    A sense of weakness in your hands and a tendency to drop objects.

    A constant loss of feeling in some fingers. This can occur if the condition is advanced.  

  5. When you take a beak wiggles your fingers and rotate your wrist the tendons are getting tight, and this could be a symptom of carpel tunnel beginning, if it persist you amy want to talk your doctor.  it could be the way your are holding your hands..  Hope you feel better.

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