I'm not really concerned about a career. I just want an office job (like a receptionist that pays decently). To me a job is just a job, it doesn't define me, but provides me with the money to do the things that I want.
My concern in life is just hanging out with my friends, water sports, having a good time. Doing whatever makes me happy. Pursuing different passions, hobbies, etc.
People are concerned with "great" things like becoming the next Spielberg, or being rich, but I really just want to have a more laid back lifestyle. I don't want to be stressed. And I don't care about my name going down in history. I mean no one cares as much as you do about your own life and people are eventually forgotten.
Both of my parents are college graduates, even my stepdad, and they sort of think its weird. lol. Even college itself is a rat race. :-P