
Is it bad judgment on McCain's part to select Palin who is being investigated by the Republican party?

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"Reports arose that Palin had fired Monegan because, despite pressure from her, her family, and her staff, he had refused to fire State Trooper Mike Wooten, the ex-husband of Palin's sister, Molly McCann." - The New Republic





  1. I'd find out why before I got behind this story.

    Trooper Wooten abused his wife, tazered his step kid, and god knows what to the people he was supposed to 'protect and serve'.

    He was written up and reprimanded but never fired for having an anger control issue.

    She wanted him out and the 'good ole boys' didn't want to deal with a woman telling them what to do.

    She also called the investigation on herself due to the nature of what happened.

    I commend her, a wife and step child abuser needs to be stopped whatever it takes.

  2. He met her once and it doesn't seem he bothered to vet her.

    How would he know?  

  3. The Republican party in Alaska was and is wholly corrupt, so I wouldn't give much weight to it.

  4. As an older Independent.....I think this decision demonstrated poor judgment all across the board, regardless of this investigation going on.

  5. "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president? Look at what she's done to this state. What would she do to the nation?"--(R) Lyda Green, president of ALASKA state senate

  6. If they vetted her properly, then no. There are many stories about Palin. I would hope the McCain camp would be smart enough to do their research, but you never know with politicians.

  7. Checkout The Washington Post story on this today.  It is much to do about nothing, just an investigation, that is proving to be ridiculous.  The Washington Post is a pro Democratic newspaper and they are inferring that it is not true  I cannot believe that anyone would post such c**p, especially as every single political running mate was investigated.  Do you really believe that a top flight team of investigators would approve her,  if it were true?   Poor John Edwards got caught when he was being vetted.  Everyone already knew about Biden's serial plagiarisms.  Both of these two accusations are proven.  

    Palin welcomes the investigation and so do her supporters.

    Taken from an Alaskan website:

    "Well, the former state senate president is Ben Stevens, Ted Stevens son. It's hard to imagine that Lynda Green was elected state senate president without his backing. Palin and the Stevens aren't exactly the best of friends. I wouldn't read anything into her comment.

    [Another troll: until yesterday afternoon, there was an ad on Palin's website in which Stevens gives her a strong endorsement. Now scrubbed.]"

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