
Is it bad luck to show a picture of the wedding dress to the groom?

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I'm talking about just the wedding dress. The bride is not in it or anyone in fact... just a picture of the wedding dress. is it bad luck?




  1. A good marriage has absolutely nothing to do with luck, and absolutely everything to do with love, commitment, mutual support, and a willingness to work problems through.  You make your own luck.  If you think external forces determine the success of your marriage, you are bound for failure.  Live in reality.

  2. its not bad luck, its just not a supprise anymore, he already has 80% image in his head of what your going to look like now, thats all

  3. my fiance insists that it's bad luck for the groom to see the dress before the wedding... he says that goes for pictures too

  4. Theres no such thing as "bad luck", its just that when people see a picture or a wedding dress then something bad happens they blame it on silly superstions, so no, its not bad luck, your groom should like your dress as well as yourself.

  5. no, only if he sees you in it before the wedding, then it is bad luck.

  6. no i dont believe its bad luck. but its definelty wrong for him to see you in person wearing it. it needs to be a suprise for when you walk down the aisle. that way you can see his face and his reaction. so if you want his opeion then you can show him but before you show him ask him if he wants to see it so its a group choice for the two of you. good luck with the wedding hope this helps!!

    please answer mine!;...

  7. I took my husband WITH ME to try on dresses.  He's the one that picked it out.  We just got married last month.  The sky didn't fall or anything :-)

  8. YES!!!!

  9. As superstitious as I am, yes. I wouldn't show my future hubby my gown at all.  

  10. lol.. i hope it's not bad luck because i just showed my fiance a picture of ME in the dress because I dunno i was just so excited i had to show someone LOL... it's because we haven't told our families about our engagement yet, we live out of town and will be telling them next time we see them in about 10 days, so I just had to show someone the dress lol...  

    anyway, like others said, I also like the idea of having the future groom also feel involved and to see if he likes everything too as we go along. (plus in my case we're both kind of cheap, so I wanted to show him and be like "see.. our money went to a nice dress!!" Lol

    However he will not see me wearing the dress in real life till the wedding :)        .... and really the pictures don't do it the justice of seeing it in real life hehe

    Don't worry and congrats.

  11. No, I don't believe it's bad luck. I do like the idea of getting his opinion on the dress, but if he loves you enough to marry you, I honestly don't think he cares what your wearing. He'll think you look beautiful regardless. For me, one of the best parts of a wedding is seeing the look on the groom's face when he sees his bride for the first time in her gown. (And no, I didn't steal that from 27 Dresses, lol.)

  12. If he'll let you do it then there's nothing wrong with it. The only reason this tradition persists is because it lets the groom get out of a lot of "should I get this one or the other one? What do you mean you don't see a difference, the first one has a hem a full centimetre lower!" No-one thinks that the groom is going to refuse to go through with the wedding if he sees his intended beforehand anymore, so the tradition got changed to not seeing the dress (rather than her in it), and the guys knew a good thing when they saw it.

    My fiance's brother-in-law agrees with this analysis, and now regrets not trying to pull "but it's bad luck for the groom to know what the invitations are going to be like. Or the bunting"  

  13. they say it's only bad luck if the groom sees you in it.

    i think it's a good idea to show him a picture. it's his wedding too and he'd probably appreciate at least seeing the dress you are thinking of wearing on his big day too


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