
Is it bad shaving your legs everyday or every other day ?

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im just wondering ..




  1. its bad not shave but u need 2 shave not every day though ur skin will become

    ashey  and dry if u do shave ur legs everyday use lotion

  2. I don't think so... But it sucks if you do, b/c it will grow back thicker and faster. But you can buy a special shaving cream called "Noxema" that you can get at Target, and it's so cool cuz it minimized your hair growth when you shave w/ it! It's so cool. Good luck! :)

  3. no there is not i shave mine everyday to every other because they get prickly

  4. nope

  5. Nope.

  6. Yes because it can be very time-consuming not to mention dangerous scraping that razor over your skin. Well, at least you end up with very well exfoliated legs.

  7. No, it's fine.  Seems like a lot of work, but not harmful. :)

  8. It wouldn't hurt anything to do it everyday or every other. Just make sure you either use shaving cream or lotion to keep your legs smooth, healthy, and soft!

  9. I shave mine every other day.  Keeps them really smooth.

  10. I dunno.  I shave whenever I have a shower.  Atleast every other day or everyday. Hope i helped...pick me best answer!lmao "*anisa*"!

  11. Shaving is a pain. If you're wearing jeans don't even bother.

    Anyone you know that will actually care if your legs are perfectly smooth is pretty shallow.

    It's not bad, just not necessary.

  12. No but if you don't wanna shave them everyday, try nair or veet. Those work good and you won't have to shave for about 2 weeks at a time!

  13. Nope! The worst it does is exfoliate the top dead layer of your skin which isn't really bad. I shave my legs everyday and no harm has been done! =]

    Just make sure you use a good razor so it doesn't cut you lawlz.

  14. the more you shave it, the faster it grows and the easier you get razorburn. do every three days unless you're going swimming or something.

  15. It depends on how fast your hair grows...there's no medical dangers to oft-shaved legs, I don't think...

  16. You may find your skin dries out.  Aloe-Vera can help a lot with that, at least from my experience.  And if you're going where it might be dirty (say a hospital) then you may want to skip (very small cuts that you can't see can become infected.)

    But otherwise, no.  Lots of women do.

  17. No WAY! There is nothing wrong with shaving. BUT be sure you use a good moisturizer or your skin will dry out.

    ALSO.... use a sharp razor. Dull Razors can cause irritation or in grown hairs- ouch! Im guessing they last about 10-15 uses depending.. well you can tell when the razor is getting dull!


  18. I have never heard of there being any actual harm in shaving every day, but if you do, be sure to moisturize. I shave every other day because I'm lazy; and I don't shave at all if I'm wearing pants because that's pointless. But your choice, really.

  19. I don't think it's a problem, just that when your blade gets blunt, please change it, if not you will risk cutting and scarring.

    Nair or Veet also depends on hair growth, I tried before, but my hair will still grows out pretty fast.

  20. I think its good to do it every other day.  

  21. No its not bad. I usually shave mine everyday because my leg hair grows fast but if im lazy ill do it every other day.

  22. no i dont think so.

  23. It depends how fast your hair grows

    IF its really long you MUST CUT IT!!

    Good Luck

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