
Is it bad that I'm afraid to let people know I'm capable of being serious?

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I don't like to act serious, I'm always cracking jokes, acting immature and whatnot.

But..I only act this way because I don't want people to know that I'm completely capable of being a mature, wise individual.

Am I the only person who does this or is it normal for certain people.

I know I can be entirely serious, but I don't like to be serious so I hide behind my humor and comedic acts.




  1. Depending on how old you are you can get away with that. Just make sure that when the time calls for you to be serious you respect others by not joking when they really need a receptive friendly ear. I too am always cracking jokes coz I think people take life a little too seriously sometimes. One of my friends told me its the one thing they love about me and the one thing they also hate about me.

    Its common for people to deflect serious situation with humor, just dont go overboard with it. And if you notice people are not laughing or start acting irritated, then you know its time to put on your serious hat.  

  2. You will find as life continues on that this attitude will serve you very well in most situations. However, you have to start telling yourself when it is a good thing and when it is not.

    It is a defense that you have set in place to hide behind. Are you scared that someone will want more of you than you want to give? The better thing would become comfortable with the word no.

    Perhaps you are afraid to fail. If you don't let yourself get in the a position where you have to be mature and wise. If this is the problem then how about setting yourself small but attainable goals to build your self confidence.

    Normal? It is a variation of Normal. What you have to understand that normal has a wide range so stop worrying about normal. Lots of things are normal but people learn to suppress them.  

  3. It can be burdonsome to be the one that everyone relies on for advice or help all the time. Serious people usually end up in that role so deflecting that kind of response from others is understandable.  

  4. I do this too. To be taken seriously, you sometimes must demand it...and its easier to just be a clown.

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