
Is it bad that I need 3 years to transfer to a university?

by Guest57181  |  earlier

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At first, I wanted it to be 1 year and a half ( I think that this has been done before). However, since work has been getting on my way, I believe that it should take me 3 years. I feel horrible since I have wanted to graduate from the university with my friends from high school ( I know where they have gone to). Even though it does not count anymore, it makes me feel like I am 1 year behind my high school classmates.

Also, how common is it that you need 3 years to transfer? Is it a bit common, common, or is it simply the majority of the time?




  1. I assume you mean 3 years to complete your general credits at the junior college then transfer.... It is normal to take more than the 4 years to get your bacc. especially if you have to work through college. It took me 5 and a half to graduate from a University. Don't feel bad that your behind them because after you graduate that won't matter

  2. I'm in the same boat. I pushed and pushed to match my friends 2 year JC experience, but work got in the way and I'll be out after this year (my 3rd). I'm a year behind them, and I feel so lame, but in reality I know it's no big deal. I know there are hundereds of others at my JC who have been there for 4-5 years and don't seem to be disturbed by their pace.

    I wouldn't worry about it. an education is an education, a degree is a degree. Go at your own pace and do it right the first time.

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