
Is it bad that Im upset because...?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend wanted to spend time with his friend (who is a girl) tonight cuz she's going away to college. Except he told me he'd call me at 9:00 cuz they'll be done by then, he texts me at 9 telling me they rented a movie and they are going to watch it at his house. And although they are long time friends and neighbors, It makes me really sad and upset because instead of being with me.. he's spending this friday night alone watching a movie with a girl thats not me.

I know its stupid that Im upset about this, and im probably over-reacting and being rude but it makes me upset... idk...

btw we're 17 yrs. old if its any consolation.

Gah.. its 11pm .... =[




  1. NOOOOOOOOO it's not bad that your upset.  You should be.  I have a gut feeling that it is more than what he is telling you.  Why would he text you.  He should have called to talk to you.  Don't waste your time on him, he does not deserve you.  Move on.  Good luck.

  2. No, I would probably be a little upset about that also.  How come you weren't invited?

  3. don't worry its only for today!!! you should be happy that this is not going to be like this everyday!!! well she is going away to college and now she won't be between you and your boyfriend just forget this night. say it you were dreaming that your boyfriend was with someone!!! call him tell him that you are waiting for him!! don't yell at him or otherwise he will think you are jealous which i am guessing you are!! LOL!! you should have gone with themand if you think he is cheating you then LEAVE HIM!!! or find a proof first that he is cheating you!!  you know what in US everyone makes boyfriend and girlfriend and after a while they leave them and that what i hate:( i mean they should be with the person for there rest of the life!!!:-) GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. I KNOW exactly how you feel!!!! My bf has a lot of close freinds that are girls!!! And it can drive me just as crazy sometimes!!! What you need to do is realize that hes YOURS!!! And that you have to try and let go and trust him.. if hes giving you no reason to distrust him... then you really shouldnt worry. Plus he text you to let you know what was going on! he was being very consederate! trust me MOST guys wouldnt do that! So dont make a big deal out of it.. infact ask him how his day was with her! It will make you feel more inforemed and make him feel like he has a really kool girl friend! Inless you feel he is crossing the friend /  girl friend line in some way.. you just need to let go and stary quite. He seems like a great guy! and if your worried about them in the future you should try and become friends with her! the more you know the less worried you will be!

  5. I would be mad as h**l. If you have a guy friend you should hang out with him tomorrow and see how your b/f likes it.

  6. Of course it's not bad that you are upset. You have every right to be upset. I can understand that you would be worried about him, maybe, cheating. But she is just a friend, and they won't be able to see each other as often. You need to set boundaries, but don't make it sound too clingy, because that makes people think that you don't trust them. Tell him that you were a little unsure about him being over there. Once again: you have every right to be upset. I hope you can resolve this! Good luck! Hope this helps!

  7. She is going away and since they are neighbors he has a friendship with her and won't be able to see her for a while.  He will have time for you later.  Don't worry about him and her spending her last evening together.  You never mentioned if they had a relationship before so don't worry about them now.

  8. Hello, no you have every right to be upset. Set boundaries and limits on what is okay and what is not okay in your relationship.  If he does not like it then he is not worth it.  He should have invited you.  You deserve more respect then he is showing.  

  9. leave him!

    he should have taken you with him if they were just going to hang out like that.

  10. well... if i were you , i would probably also feel uncomfortable about you know.. but i mean, she's  going to college right?? so he won't see her so often anymore and it also depends on how much you trust your bf i suppose :}

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