
Is it bad that my 7 year old still calls me Dada?

by  |  earlier

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And do kids usually stop this on their own or should I kind of prod him along and try to get him to call me Dad or at least Daddy?




  1. I think it is cute he should be able to call you whatever he wants I still call my dad papa and I am grown it is just what i feel comfortable with he may grow out of it and maybe not i would not worry about it ;-)

  2. You need to correct him and tell him he is a big boy.  I don't even allow my 2 year old to speak that way.  Big boys say daddy babies say dada.

  3. Well....I guess maybe you should teach him to say Dad. I think he's to old for Dada or Daddy.

  4. just let him call you that. everyone is so quick to make their kids grow up. if he's behaving his age, otherwise acting his age, and speaking like an average 7 year old, and you have no other worries other  than "dada" then leave it be. he'll outgrow it when he's ready.  i think it could be hurtful if you asked him to stop- it would be very obvious to him that it makes you feel uncomfortable. sometimes names like that just stick-- we call our dad "Tati" till this day- my oldest sister couldn't say "Papi" (Spanish) when she was tiny and so the name has stuck with all 4 of us and we're in our 30's and 40's now.

  5. My 7yr old still calls me mama and I love it.  However he calls his dad daddy.  If you feel he needs to be corrected do it gently don't hurt his feelings.  I refer to my husband as daddy in front of our children and I think that may have something to do with it.  Good luck

  6. Tell him to call you big meat.

  7. Well since it's a boy the yes. Girls tend to say dada or daddy even in teen years. You need to tell him he's a big boy.

  8. I think u should tell ur kid to either stop or tell them to call u dad or daddy they might just still be in a stage of a little kid.

  9. No, let him continue to call you that. That is what he is comfortable calling you. He will eventually on his own call you dad or daddy. But for now enjoy him and his innocents.

  10. Its only bad if he minds the other kids teasing him. Most kids do stop saying DaDa when they learn to speak well. I'd say by a year and a half or two.

  11. No, this is not strange or unusual (especially if your child is a girl) and when he gets older, he will be embarassed to call you 'Dada'. He is just saying he loves you...don't try and change it. (A lot of dads would be lucky if their kid at least called them Daddy.)

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