
Is it bad to ask for a help online?

by Guest59620  |  earlier

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Is it bad to ask for a help online?

I've been dreaming to have my own PC. But bec. of my financial status I can't have one. So, is it bad to ask anyone or everyone to understand me and help me make my wish come true. I really am desperate.




  1. you can always ask but getting it is another thing.

  2. No, not at all.

  3. Well, it depends who. Some people will say that they'll help you, but are really perverted sickos that want your address and rape your family members. If it's a friend, then you can trust him, but you can save up for a second-hand computer cheaply on ebay or Froogle. Look on Frooggle, or ebay, or at a pawn shop. Who knows what'll you'll find.

    -Homie G

  4. Well my friend its never bad to ask for help on the internet. but I wouldnt count on getting what you want.

  5. It's terrible. You can't trust anyone. You can't even trust this answer. [/joke]

    It's pretty good, you can get answers that make sense better, and often sources are listed.

  6. It's never a bad thing to ask for help.  Just don't count on getting it.

  7. no, but if the question is stupid, dont expect to be answered

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