
Is it bad to be in a relationship with my ex husbands ex best friend?

by  |  earlier

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We had an awesome friendship in the past but he moved away with his family to another state. When he returned, I was divorced and he was separated. We just rekindled our old friendship and it turned into something more serious. My ex is furious!!!!




  1. Not at all. You both are now single. You are separated from your husband. If he's reacting that way its really immature of him. You could explain to him if u like, though u dont 'have' to. Its perfectly alright for u n the best friendto date if u guys are clicking.

  2. If you are divorced from your husband and it is real and it is serious, then you do not owe him any explanations. He needs to work through his feelings and move on. If you are happy and in the place you want to be then good luck to you.

  3. I agree, but it will always make for bitterness.  I guess that's why they say, never get involved with someone that you guys were mutual friends with.  Its hard, as I'm sure you both have some great chemistry and don't want to let each other go.  Just take it easy and give it time

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