
Is it bad to be interested in bad things?...?

by  |  earlier

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umm... lots of things that people consider "bad"... kinda interests me.. a few examples... with the russia and georgian war.. as i hear about the war getting... more and more serious... i find it more interesting... if everyone gave up and it went back to peace... i thing i would be disappointed... also my general city is kinda insane... so.. my bus used to get attacked a lot.. and i would be so disappointed when i missed it... even tho there would be that chance of getting hurt i would secretly hope someone would throw something at the bus... iv never been in a fight but i do find them interesting... O_O i dont find these situations "disgraceful" or anything... i find them interesting... i feel bad saying it because people always say... "how would you feel if you did get hurt"... soo... i feel like... im a bad person.. would you say its bad? : (




  1. I think it's normal to be interested in events or experiences that have never happened to you. It is sort of a morbid fascination, but as long as it doesn't become an obsession or you don't actually put yourself in a dangerous situation, I think curiosity about those situations is not a bad thing. However, if you feel like that's all you ever think about you might want to speak to a mental health professional.

  2. I don't think it is bad in the full sense of the word at all. If you were bad you would be actively engaged in this sort of activity which you are not. I think you must be in a sort of negative phase at the moment. Not a lot is happening in your private world so you have plenty of time to give thought to these matters.

    If it bothers you there is the possibility you could find positive things to occupy your time more until life moves on and there are more exciting things to occupy yourself with.

    Best wishes. UK  

  3. Not necessarily bad, but dangerous.  I would question it, and always keep my eyes open, and try to delve into the reason behind the curiosity.

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