
Is it bad to be jealous of my best friend?

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She has a really nice boyfriend. I don't. She's wicked bad *** and I am too afraid to do anything. I was raped and she wasn't. I'm really mad at her. I feel really bad because she's so nice to me. What should I do to be less mad at her?




  1. How about opening up to her? You'll feel better that she's there for you if she agrees to listen.

  2. U have 2 clarify this question but it sounds like ur upset that shes bad and has a good guy and u got raped by ur boyfriend...Ur life is going 2 be filled with ppl that have better situations than u, are u going to be mad at the world or focus on making ur life better cause in this society no one really cares for anyone that feels sorry for themself..U gotta make it happen for u...

  3. I'm sorry, i don't really understand what you are trying to ask.

  4. try to understand that you are special too and noone can change you  

  5. ummmm. what?  repeat the question?  

  6.         it sounds to me that the only reason that you are mad at her is because she is your friend.that means any one you befriend and seems like a nice are going to be mad at them.try meeting some miserable people.then decide who you want to hang must get over feeling sorry for your self.its a dead end sound young.its not a healthy start in life to feel the way you to your parents.let them know what you are going through.its one of the feelings we all experience.but do not dwell on may also want to let your friend know how you are feeling.tell her you are sorry and will try harder to be a better friend.and you really do appreciate her being so nice to that you are working on being less mad.go a step foward and not be mad at all.good friends are hard to come by.dont abuse is also good to discuss personal things with friends.thats what makes them a friend.good luck.i know you can do it.the fact that you are faceing it by asking over the internet is an excelent start.

  7. yes its bad .. it wont help the relationship .. jst tell her how you feel i suppose .. that should be more productive :D

  8. ummm  

  9. I hope you got counseling for your rape at a rape crisis center b/c that is something that you don't want to have to carry alone.  I know you really don't want your friend to experience that, but you feel like she has it better than you and you want to see her experience at least some bad luck.  I know that if she really did get hurt, you wouldn't really want that.  The best thing to do is to be happy for your friend and make your life better by doing things to improve it, making good grades, volunteering or getting a good job, being supportive.  You don't need to let the past ruin your present and future or be jealous of your friend.  

  10. it doesn't matter that don't have a boyfriend(you will eventually find the right guy)

    i think that you should talk to someone and open up to them about any insecurities that you might have

    to be less mad at her i think that you have to accept yourselff and accept her

    just surround yourself with people you love and people that love you back

  11. It's normal to be jealous, just get in the market for a boyfriend that you absolutely know you can trust and make sure that he knows you've been raped..tell him you want to take your time in the relationship and he'll understand..also if she's bad *** just try hanging out with her and doing some of the stuff she does some times, just don't go overboard start slow

  12. be happy with yourself and who you are

    your jealous beacuse you want to be on the same level as her and your not. Find a way to get up to her level by being happy with your life.

    This jealousy is trying to tell you something, listen to it

  13. Ya what she said

  14. whether it is bad or good that is irrelevant because you cannot change how you feel

    try to connect with yourself more and try to be a better person in terms of school and stuff

    try to make a positive situation out of all of it

    good luck  

  15. Well.....if you told us why you were mad at her then i would be able to help you(but's a-ok to be jelous because everyone is jelous)

  16. Hm... You shouldn't hate her cuz you ain't her. Just love her for who she he's and try to bring her good qualities into your life.

  17. wow, if this is a true question... take some pills and get a doctor

  18. your jealous beacuse you want to be on the same level as her and your not. Find a way to get up to her level by being happy with your life.


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