
Is it bad to be thinking about suicide?

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So..I think about suicide a lot but I know im not gonna do it is it bad to be thinking about this?




  1. sometimes i do too, no clue why at all. but sometimes people feel depressed, what's there to do? just try and perk up a bit i guess.  

  2. my girlfriend does that too i don't think its good

  3. Well a lot of people have a morbid fascination with death even about their own.  I have been there I have even attempted it once I was close to death.  I can say that no matter how bad it gets it always gets better in one way or another.  You shouldn't listen to people like that, people are self centered and they have no idea what you are going through.  The next time someone tells you to die come back with something like "You know what i did die but jesus sent me back to tell you to stop sucking your daddies d**k"  People don't like it when you make fun of them back and if you come off with something witty you'll at least feel better about.  Just hang in there life gets better then it goes back to being awful and it gets better again the cycle never ends.  Good luck and if you want to talk feel free to send me a message.

  4. yes... you should try it.. you'll love it..

  5. Cheer up.

  6. Regardless of whether you act on it, having those thoughts is not good my friend.

    It shows complete lack of hope in the future and is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    You also need to change the people around you.  No matter who they may be (parents, relatives, friends), no one who has even a little bit of decency says something like that.  s***w them.

  7. well i really don't think its good but just don't listen to all those people

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