
Is it bad to chug eggs?

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Is it bad to chug eggs?




  1. Same thing just drinkable

  2. As long as you let them rot first!

  3. Nah just make sure you fry them first. Lol  

  4. No.....just ensure that you are use it as u want it

  5. it sure is.. each egg has 200 mg of cholesterol...

    nah, i'd stop that if i were you.. h**l it's better to drink beer daily than to chug eggs.

    no kidding.

  6. Raw eggs are much less digestable than cooked eggs.

  7. It's better to chug the chicken

  8. Raw eggs can contain salmonella.  If you must, at least choose free range, they're less likely to have it, but I still wouldn't advise it.

  9. Raw eggs, yes it can be bad.  There's about a one in fifty chance you'll become infected with salmonella.

  10. I think its gross but my roommate says its ok. He said its called the breakfast of champions


  12. I love chugging eggs.  Some times I'll take  a dozen or so eggs, crack them into a beer funnel, and let'er rip.

    Just kidding.

    It's okay if you're healthy, but if you're sick, a child, or elderly, then probably not the best idea, as there is a chance of salmonella.  Fresh eggs are better, and free range is also a good idea.


  13. That sounds G to the ROSS!!   But whatever floats your boat :o)

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