
Is it bad to do pull ups everyday?

by  |  earlier

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i do pull ups almost everyday. i do a set of 15 then 10 then 8 . im 5'7 175 26 years old. should i rest every other day or is it ok to do pull ups everyday?




  1. I would pick two days a week to rest. If you don't feel sore, then you are probably fine doing them every day.

  2. no my freind is a gymnastic freak and does like 50 a day so your ok its not bad its  exercise.  

  3. depends on what your goal is

    but as long as you aren't maxing out your reps daily by

    going to failure then it doesn't hurt to do them everyday.

    below is a GTG pull up routine that you might want to try

  4. Pullups are one of if not the best basic back exercise.  Look at your back in the mirror closely for a few weeks.  If it's looking more muscular and keep doing them everyday.  If it's staying the same then everyday is overtraining and you may want to switch to every other day or try 2 days rest.  Also, listen to your body--if you're able to continuously do more reps don't change anything--if some days you can't do as much, you may need to take a day or two off each week.

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