
Is it bad to drink a lot of diet soda?

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I dont think I'm fat or anything but i drink like four cans a day and I don't know if that's really bad for me.




  1. not for humans. drink up. for some of us, who think it has a lot of sodium in it, read the label.

  2. no....well...kind of...Diet sodas have artificial sweeteners in them. And most artificial sweeteners are made with chemicals in them. So I think they are bad for you. Hope it helps.   :-)

  3. Diet soda is not good at all. One of the chemicals in the artificial sweetners is a neurotoxin and it attacks your nerve cells. I DO NOT rccomend drinking diet soda AT ALL!

  4. soda has a lot of sodium in it, which makes you retain water.

  5. THE CHEMICALS IN IT ISN'T GOOD FOR YOU. It is better to drink ice tea or plain water.

  6. Yes,its bad on your health.

  7. Some of the ingredients used in the sugar substitutes can be harmful in large amounts. I shouldn't think 4 cans a day would constitute a large amount, but if it worries you you could always drink water which is probably better for you anyway.

  8. It's awful for you! You probably aren't fat, but as time goes on you might get there. Aspartame is the chemical which causes cancer when ingested, and last I checked that is not good. Regular soda is actually better for you

  9. it actually is. diet soda is actually worse than the regular soda-if u have both cans compare it. a decrease in calories means an increase in sodium which is worse than the regular soda.

  10. Avoid excessive soda pop intake which contains phosphoric acid. Drinking too much carbonated drinks will cause your bones to loose too much calcium. You are at risk for osteoporis and even tooth decay.

    Studies have shown that diet pop can make you fatter. One theory is that artificial sweeteners in diet soda cause an increase in hunger-inducing hormones.

  11. Diet soda is bad because of the artificial sweeteners.  They are chemically altered to make you "think" they are sweet.  They have caused cancer in lab animals.  Researchers are also finding that they make you fat.  Your body reacts to the sweeteners the same way it reacts to high fructose corn syrup or massive amounts of bleached sugar.  If you need the fizz, I would opt for something sweetened with "cane sugar", or better yet hit up on those sparkling juices and ciders!

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