I'm doing a research project for my end of the year project for AP Chemistry. I basically was researching about ingredients and stuff, history, etc. But I think it would be cool if i conducted an experiment on myself similar to that movie "Supersize Me".
Is it safe for me to drink about 5 energy drinks in one sitting, such as Monster, red bull, 5hour energy. etc. to conduct the test and see if i get anyof the sideffects.
I have never drank energy drinks before, because i've been sorta against them.
I am considered very healthy from my doctor, i do a lot of cardiovascular exercise like I have been on varsity swim since freshman year. and i weigh about 120 lbs.
i want to know if i consume these when i'm almost dead tired and then consume about one can for like every hour or so for like a few hours. recording the data as i go along. but i want to know if this is deathly bad, like i'll need to get my stomach pumped or die.
well if it's really bad, i obviously wont.