
Is it bad to drink too much diet soda in one day?

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Is it bad to drink too much diet soda in one day?




  1. Yes diet soda is better for you than reg. but still bad for you.

  2. Diet soda is bad for you it has fake sugar witch can give you cancer.

  3. Yes!

    .....One soda is too much soda. Soda in any form is not healthy for your body in any fashion.

    Whether regular, diet, or zero-calorie ---- carbonated beverages contribute greatly,  to excess body fat, disease,  and even premature aging.

    Artificial 'anything' cannot be processed by your body's natural design and its functions ---resulting in premature-aging, organ breakdown, and potential organ failure.

    According to Dr. Mehmet Oz and numerous scientific studies: Soda should be avoided completely.

    Good health -


  4. I would say it is. If its caffeinated, it may cause jitters and  headaches. I was also told that too much carbonated water can hurt your kidneys. Not to mention that some substitute sugars may be cancer causing if taken over a length of time.

  5. It can't be good for you with all of the chemicals and aspratane in it! Some of the chemicals in diet soda are not fit for human consumption and the artificial sweetners are not good for you, they have even been linked to cancer. There has also been recent reasearch that shows the artificial sweetners interfere with the bodies ability to estimate how many calories you have ingested, so you eat more than you should be. As a result, many recent studies have started to link diet soda to weight gain.

    I would try to take it right out of your diet!

  6. Yes. Even though it will not have sugar and claims to have no calories it still has some. They base their claims of no calories on 100ml or 3.4 ounces. If less than one they can claim none. However a normal serving of 250ml or 8 ounces can have up to 2 calories per serving.

    You are still getting caffeine. Most sodas will have 35 - 50 mg of caffeine in them. The maximum safe amount of caffeine we should take in a day is 300mg. Caffeine dehydrates us, depletes us of B vitmains and calcium. When we are dehydrated we become tired. B vitamins are essential for energy. So if not offset with enough water and extra B vitamins caffeine can make us tired even though it is a stimulant. Too much is also bad for the kidneys, heart, skin, brain, and your sleep too.

    Also the dark soda are bad too. The coloring is bad for our livers.

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