
Is it bad to drink your own blood?

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Is it bad to drink your own blood?




  1. Yes. It is bad to drink any blood.

  2. I don't think so.  I often wondered, too.

  3. That's gross! Blood is not intended to be consumed, it is meant to stay inside of your body!

  4. It same as you drink eggs becouse blood it is just organics !!!And it will dissolved disabled and devided in stomach by acids and ferments.

  5. Yes, it is bad to drink your own blood because once it leaves the body, it is a waste product. It has the same substance in it as urine and sweat called "urea". It is just putting a waste product back in your body.

  6. Drinking your own blood will not hurt you, well as long as your not bleeding enough to fill a glass. If your just drinking the blood that comes out of a small scab or something like that it will not hurt you. If you drink it like you would a glass of cool aid then you your body might not digest it properly.One thing is, if your bleeding bad enough to fill a glass then you might want to go see the doctor to get stitches. A little tip for you, it tastes better refrigerated. OKAY that was a joke. just trying to make a funny here.  

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