
Is it bad to eat a lot of KETCHUP every day?

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Is it bad to eat a lot of KETCHUP every day?




  1. Too much of anything is bad for you.

  2. For your health? Yes, it's full of sugar.

  3. a tablespoon of ketchup has a teaspoon of sugar.  You're better off going with salsa, a little bit of salt, or some other alternative.  then again, i've been eating a lot of ketchup recently.  eat everything (veg) and have moderation.

  4. The only thing I can think that would be unhealthy about it would be the sugar content, but that wouldn't really matter unless you were eating like a bottle a day. I've just started using organic ketchup. It is YUMMY! I don't know if it's any healthier but the taste blows regular ketchup away.

  5. Yes and the main 3 reasons are:

    1/ Full of sugar

    2/ Full of vinegar

    3/ Destroys your palate and makes you end like one of those persons that covers their food in ketchup and never knows the real taste of the food they're eating.

    Any benefits of the tomatoes gets invalidated by the amount of sugar and vinegar.

  6. What do you consider "a lot". It is to be treated as a condiment (so just a little for some added flavor but not pouring it over everything = ) and is high in sugar so too much can be bad.

    However, if you're using a bit during different meals and you're not consuming sugar from too many other sources- you are probably a lot healthier than most people.

    You should read the servings label and identify the sugar content in it and try to keep below recommended intakes of sugar.

  7. Well, typically even quality organic ketchup is loaded with salt and sugar, and the cheap non-organic ketchups being really really much worse than that, so I'd say "No."

  8. Ketchup has a heck of a lot of sugar in it and it's really acidic.  Sure, tomatoes are good for you, but too much sugar isn't.

  9. Yes it is bad,because it contains a lot of sugar

  10. yea i guess

  11. Depends upon what you mean by "a lot".

    I rarely eat the stuff.  Eat it on potatos - but other than that - can't think of anything that I eat it with.

    If it has tons of sugar in it - and some of them DO have alot of sugar - doesn't seem like it would be good for you.

    So I guess it would depend upon the brand that your buying.

  12. No, they say anything with tomato's in it is good for you.

  13. i guess not but it does have quite a bit of sugar in it and sodium i wouldn't make a habit out of eating alot.  everything in moderation i guess.

  14. yes there is a very high amount of sugar and high fructose corn syrup  in ketchup

  15. It does have a high sugar content, but if you factor that in you should be fine.

    If you are a boy it is really good for you because it contains a lot of Lycopene, which is good for prostate health and is even said to ward off certain cancers...

    Go ahead and eat your ketchup...

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