
Is it bad to eat a lot of eggs?

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  1. You shouldn't eat more than 3 a week because of the cholesterol in the yolk.  You could eat whites instead.

  2. Too much of anything isn't good for you, but if you are having eggs daily, and your cholesterol is good, then I don't see the problem in it.  Balance is the key to healthy eating and breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  Hope this helps you out today!

  3. sure is.. they're cholesterol giants...  200 mg per egg.

  4. you can have maximum 2 eggs a day... too many will make your cholesterol high.

  5. it has cholesterol but otherwise its a good source of protein

  6. Eggs contain a fair bit of cholesterol, which is an argument against eating too many.  But here in NZ, the two trace elements our soils most commonly lack are iodine and selenium, so dietary deficiencies  of these are common here, especially selenium, because iodine is added to most of the salt we use, and most foods rich in selenium are quite expensive; Brazil nuts for instance.  Eggs are the cheapest dietary source of selenium that I've heard of, so in a place like this it's a good idea to include them in your diet.

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