
Is it bad to ejaculate blood?

by  |  earlier

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I've been servicing myself vigorously (4-5 times a day) all summer. I was able to deal with the massive chafing, but now I have began to ejaculate blood rather than s***n. I am too embarassed to see a physician and I'm just wondering, is this a serious issue? If so, how could it be solved?




  1. Right...

  2. This is definitely a serious issue and a patient should never hide any thing from the doctor if he want his problem to be cured fully .So go the good doctor as it may aggravate the situation if u dont go to him .Nothing to  feel ashamed off or feel shy

  3. You need to get it checked out by a doctor.  It could be serious or it may not be.  You'll get over any embarrassment & it's best to be sure.  Could be an infection - or it could be you need to slack off or slow down - & start using some type of lubricant to avoid massive chafing.  Take it easy - it's not necessary to beat it to death, you know!

  4. This guy in this article seemed to be in the same boat as you... take it easy for a week or so, and if it still is bleeding, you have to see a doctor and make sure there isn't something majorly wrong.

    Good Luck there buddy

  5. Take a couple of weeks off. Get a hobby.

  6. it is bad... see a doctor

  7. You may have injured yourself by going to hard or too fast. Just leave it alone for a little while so that it can heal. Don't be embarassed. Old people are judgemental, sure.... But I would just tell them to s***w themselve if they said anything to me.

  8. Haha Go to a doctor trust me not many doctors are on yahoo answers but try to get a girlfriend ok!

  9. yes it is bad to ejaculate blood. I recommend you lay off servicing yourself for a couple of days

  10. Jesus lol...

  11. yeah it is pretty bad. Get that checked out as soon as possible  

  12. It's not a good sign.  If it doesn't go away after you take a break, then dude, you have to go to a doctor.  Embarrassing as it may be, having a dysfunctional p***s is worse, don't you think?

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