
Is it bad to floss everyday?

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Is it bad to floss everyday?




  1. no.....ur supposed to floss everyday

  2. YES. FLOSSING of TEETH is necessary daily + mouth rinsing

  3. NO!  You should definitely floss every day.  I also recommend a mouthwash like listerine.

  4. no the denist says your suppose too

  5. no ur suppose to

  6. No it's good

  7. Flossing everyday is best, but make sure your flossing right or you can do more damage then good.

  8. Of course not. If you floss properly, it can clean more than brushing!

    Flossing is the only way to clean bacteria and plaque between the teeth. Mouthwashes may claim to be "as effective as flossing", but that's not true. When flossing, you are able to physically remove any germs, while simply rinsing isn't as promising.

    You should floss once everyday before going to bed. It's best to floss before brushing.

    For tips on how to floss properly, check out the video in this answer's source list. :)

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