
Is it bad to get rid of those red lines in the whites of your eye?

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I don't have allot of the red lines in the whites of my eye, but it can be noticeable at times and it really bugs me cause my sister has like these huge gorgeous almost black-brown eyes and they really pop cause she has no red lines in them. Could be cause she's a little bit younger than me, but still.(And I'm not old, only 13) Anyways, what my question was is if it is ok to use eye drops to get rid of them? And what eye drops do that job? Thanks for your answers! :)




  1. visine should do the job

  2. Well Visine has a whole line of different types of drops depending on what's afflicting you.  Your eyes may just be irritated by something in the air so you might want to try the allergy version. But, you need to realize that the "red lines" in your eyes are blood vessels and you will not be able to get rid of them.

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