
Is it bad to get two tetanus shots within 5 years?

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I need a medical clearance form for school and it needs to say I had a tetanus shot.

I had one about 4 years ago but when I called to request my immunization record, I was told that they sent my record away and it would be a lot of trouble to get it from the storage company and that it is okay get another Tetanus shot.

Is it harmful to get two tetanus shots 4 years apart??




  1. A tetanus booster is good for ten years. If you have an injury, frequently another is given to make sure the level is adequate to protect you.  The second one will not harm you, except for the soreness at the injection sight.  The more you move the arm, the faster the discomfort will abate.

  2. No, nothing untoward should happen except your tetanus antibody titers may go up, but that's not a bad thing.

  3. Vaccines can cause harm.  Please report the doctor to the medical board, if he refuses to send you your medical record.  I don't care if it's "a lot of trouble" for them.  Keeping records is part of their job, and 4 year old records can hardly be considered ancient.  I am outraged at your doctor, recommending a potentially harmful medical treatment for their convenience.

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