
Is it bad to get used baby furniture?

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My husband and I just found out that were pregnant (unexpected) and we really can't afford very expensive baby furniture right now. I would love to be able to afford one of those $1000 bedroom sets at Babies-R-Us but the truth is with me being a full time college student and my husband not making much right now, we really can't spend that much.

Is it ok to buy used baby furniture? I feel like a bad parent for bringing my baby home to a used bedroom set. Also, would it be safe to have something thats been used?

We plan on buying brand new bedding, accessories, etc, it's just the furniture that costs so much.




  1. We have a used crib for our daughter that someone gave us. In pretty good condition. It's gorgeous! We also have a used changing table/baby dresser for our daughter that we bought for $75 at a used furniture store. We cleaned it up and painted some and it looks great!! So, yes, it's fine to use used furniture. Just make sure you clean it well. Congrats!

  2. i'd buy like new mattresses and stuff but why buy new if you can't afford it. clean everything nice and you should be good.

  3. you are doing the right thing. use the money on things you will need to buy new. furniture, nothing wrong with being used. in fact i think using hand-me-downs from other people is actually very lucky for the baby!

  4. goodness no - just make sure the mattress etc is new - other than that other furniture is just fine - give all of it a good cleaning and if need be a paint - what your baby will need is love and cuddles - good luck  

  5. Get used!!!!   My husband and I bought our planned, beautiful baby girl home to a room full of used furniture!!  I borrowed my sisters crib and we put a changing mat on top of an older dresser for a changing table.  We even used my sister's sheets, pack-n-play, clothes, etc!  My mother-in-law gave me some blankets and sheets she's saved from when my brother-in-law was a baby (45 years ago!!!!!!)  We just washed everything!  I washed the crib down really well (my niece used to chew on the top) and threw all the bedding/clothes into the washing machine.  My daughter is the apple of our eye, and we still haven't bought her much.....she's gotten so many gifts and hand-me-downs (both clothing and toys!).  Baby's and toddlers change so much, and they will only use the furniture for a few years.  And you will spend so much money of other necessary items (diapers and wipes), don't feel guilty!!!

    Congratulations and good luck!

  6. noo way

    u should get used furniture

    thats the best way to go

    thats what im going to do

    sometimes u can get used stuff that looks brand spankin new

    and theres lots of good used stuff out there. its not like its going to be all broken down and not in working condition.

    plus u can get more stuff if u do it that way.

    i recommend buying as much baby stuff possible used.

    except bottles. i think thats the only thing new im going to buy.

    dont feel bad hun

    atleast ur owning up and ur doing as much as u can right now.

    and its not like the baby is going to come home and be like

    uhhh mommy this furniture is used lol..

    plus they wont even remember they had used stuff..

    its ok hun dont worry lots of people buy used stuff.

    sometimes thats what u gotta do.

    good luck

  7. depending on the furniture item...cribs are not safe used but dressers or a rocking chair are obviously fine. For a really cheap crib new you can buy one from I just bought the sniglar crib and it was only $90 Canadian. They have a few to choose from.

    here is the link for ikea cribs in USA

    that has the sniglar crib listed at $79.99 NEW! I love that crib it is great. It can be used with the mattress high for infants and then lowered for young toddlers...and then you can remove one side for it to be used for older is a GREAT crib!

  8. You know...Im on my 3rd pregnancy, and its just not gonna happen for this baby. I went on, and found a very nice crib with mattess for my daughter for $35....a used crib set for $20, swing, bouncer....EVERYTHING, used. They only use it for a short period of time. As Im getting more and more things...Im very happy with my decision to go with used products!!!

    Oh, and everything is is brand new condition!!! :)

  9. Not at all!!With our first, we bought all new, then realized what a waste of money it was.  We just had a baby six weeks ago, and got some of her things from a gently used second hand store.  Works the same and we only spent half of the price of buying it new.

  10. no not at all just make sure its safe. and congrats on the baby

  11. Of course not! It's only our consumer culture that would have you think so. New bedding is a good idea though. If you're at all worried give the furniture a little wipe down with some light disinfectant and that's it. Much better to save your money for things you'll suddently reaslise you need when baby arrives - don't go overboard. All babies really need is LOVE and BREASTFEEDING (and don't underestimate the breast rather than the bottle - it's vital)

    Good luck!

  12. Yes it's perfectly acceptable to buy used furniture...and very practical!!! Especially the big items like the crib, changing table, dresser etc... I don't think you plan on buying a crib that was used in 1975! Just try to stay recent (they say within the last 7 years I think) and you'll be fine. Baby's grow so fast anyways that most people only use there cribs and changing tables for about a year... Just get a new mattress and chaning table pad.... and you already said you're getting new bedding... so sounds like you're set!

    In all honesty you'll probably find one of those $1000 babies r us sets for about $300 total and it will look brand spankin new! Just check out

    Your baby will never know it's used, anyone else that sees it won't know it's used..and you'll probably forget you bought used stuff to begin with. LOL. No one will know the difference!

    You havr more important things to spend your money on other then over paying for things your baby won't use but for a year or so! Once they are older and you guys can afford it then you can take them to pick out their own bed....but when they are a baby....they don't care where they sleep!

    (My husbands auntie and uncle were so broke when they had their first they bought padding and put it in a dresser drawer and used that as a "crib" for the first few months...(that was like 18 years ago now) but her son is perfectly fine... it didn't do any harm or cause any "traumatic incident" in him. LOL. He didn't know any better then.  

  13. I bought my baby crib at a garage sale for $50. i checked to make sure it met all the safety standards. I am currently using it with baby #2. I got my changing table from the lady down the street for FREE!!

    There is nothing wrong with used baby furn as long as you check it for safety standatds. I too wanted the expensive baby stuff and like you, couldn't afford it. ( My sister had twins in Jan and is married to a dentist and has matching BRAND NEW cribs.)

    I just bought new bedding !


  14. alot of baby furniture, if only used once is pretty safe. as long as its not very old. try to stay within the past 5 years. babies aren't the same as adults, alot of their stuff is barely used by the time they grow out of it. as long as its in good condition and seems like new go ahead.

  15. oh, heck no!!!!

    i think it's a criminal shame to buy anything (except undies and swimwear and similar) brand new unless it's for a special occasion.

    the only thing you reallly should buy new is the mattress and replace the cushions/padding on any other furniture cause that's, y'know, ... gross.

    have you checked out your local freecycle group?  

    my sister and my friend each have a circle they belong to where someone keeps all the baby clothes and such packed up in the basement or garage and then whoever gets knocked up next takes it off their hands and keeps it until the next person.  they throw out anything that gets ripped or stained and add in anything they buy for whatever reason and they keep one or two mementos.

    i was the last in line to get them so i gave them to a lady down the hall who is doing the same thing now.  she's due any day and her cousin is trying so when the lady's done with the stuff, hopefully it will pass along to her cousin.

    not kidding:  my baby was wearing a t-shirt that said "american graffiti" on it, lol.

    oh - to back up saltwater:  do not even dream of buying bottles, liners, sterilizers, pumps, etc, unless you're going back to work.  

    the average cost of caring for a bottle-feeding baby can run up to $300/mo once everything's factored in.

    i breastfeed and co-sleep and keep my daughter naked a good part of the time (healthier for little girls - diaper rash/yeast infection, y'know) and it costs us less than $75/mo, including diapers.

    oh yeah - and the baby bath was another waste of money.  i've got herbs planted in it right now.  i bring her in the tub with me - safer, easier on my back, and way more fun.

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