
Is it bad to give a baby water?

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i jus got home to find out my mother in law gave my 2 month old water is it ok ?




  1. Its not going to hurt the baby but should not give him or her too much cause the baby will get too full too fast and not get the nutrients he or she needs

  2. Well... it isn't the best thing. Babies need nutrients, which at 2 months, they can only get from breast milk or formula. I've heard doctors and college professors say that regular tap water is bad for babies because it has too much flouride, iron, minerals, etc. (especially well water) for their tummies to digest. He might get cranky, but he'll be ok. Tell her that you don't want your son/daughter to drink anything but milk. If you breastfeed/pump, leave a bottle in the fridge when he/she is being babysat. If you're using formula, premeasure formula powder into one of those measury things (forgot what they're called, but they have 3 chambers. You just flip the cap and pour it into the bottle). and fill the bottle with water up to the line it needs to be. Give her instructions.

  3. no, not at all, it's perfectly fine.

  4. My doctor said NOT to give her water until she was about 6-7 months old.  Giving her water this early on can satisfy her appetite and her need to suck.  Another reason is that too much water can dangerously dilute baby's blood causing chemical imbalances.  I would just call the on call nurse and ask how much she could have and if there is anything to watch for.  My mom always wanted to give my daughter water.  

  5. It's not bad, if done in the right situation.  During the summer months since it is hotter, if your baby is eating a lot more than he/she should for their age, it may be because it is hot and they are thirsty, not so much hungry, at this time, water is suggested.  You just have to make sure they are getting the formula that they need to thrive, and that they aren't filling up on water.

  6. it's not going to hurt them but at 2 months old they need to just be drinking their formula. formula has water in it and they need it to get all the nutrients they need.  

  7. yes it is

    For newborns (especially under 4-5 weeks), water supplements can be risky

        * Babies under two months should not be given supplemental water.

        * Water supplements are associated with increased bilirubin levels in jaundiced newborns.

        * Too much water can lead to a serious condition called oral water intoxication.

        * Water supplements fill baby up without adding calories, so water supplements can result in weight loss (or insufficient weight gain) for the baby.

        * Babies who get water supplements are less interested in nursing. If baby is not nursing as often as he should, it will take longer for mom's milk to come in and can delay or prevent mom from establishing an optimum milk supply.

    For babies past the newborn stage

        * Too much water can interfere with breastfeeding because it fills baby up so that he nurses less. Babies need the nutrition and calories in breastmilk to grow - water has none of these.

        * Breastmilk has all the water your baby needs, even in very hot weather.

        * When your 4-6 month old baby is learning to use a cup, giving him a few sips of water a couple of times a day (no more than 2 ounces per 24 hours) is fine and fun.

        * Once baby starts solids, you might want to give h    * m a few sips of expressed milk or water with his solids - some babies need this to prevent constipation.


  8. It wont hurt him at all but milk ( formula bm ) is all they need for now so you should ask her not to do it again.

  9. it wont cause him any damage. the main reason they say not to give a small infant water is that they will fill up on that instead of their breastmilk or formula and wont get all the calories they need. i wouldnt encourage water so young but a little bit here and there wont hurt him.

    hopefully she used sterilized water...

  10. no, it doesn't take much water to mess up a baby's electrolytes and that is dangerous, follow your peds instructions and make sure that everyone who watches your children knows the rules

  11. You should really wait to give babys water until about 6 months. it can triger the body into thinking that it is milk so it makes there tummys full and then they wont want there milk. But if your child ever has hiccups they said you can always feed them water and sugar to help them go away, so that is the only thing i have ever been told!

  12. In my mom's day they supplemented feeding (both formula and breast) with a little water each day.  I am sure the baby will be fine just let your MIL know that the procedure has changed.  

  13. Its fine - as long as it is boiled water because they shouldn't really have tap water until they're 12 months old.

    Babies get thirsty and its fine to give them water now and then but milk should be their main liquid.

    A little bit of warm boiled water after a feed can sometimes help babies bring up wind.

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