
Is it bad to go to sleep after a major head injury?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard that if you've had a head injury and vomited because of it, or had a concussion, you shouldn't go to sleep without seeing a doctor.

Is this true? If so, why?




  1. Yeah, it's true, it's because if you got a bad injury and then you fall asleep, you could go into a coma, because you brain/body isn't used to this. If you get one..DO NOT GO TO SLEEP!!

  2. Because if you fall asleep then, you have a chance of falling into a coma. Its unlikely but it might happen.

  3. Yes, it is.  I dont know all the technical stuff, but the head it trying to "repair" itself, and if you go to sleep, you can go into a comma while your brain is working on problems.  And, well, a comma is bad :D hope that helped some

  4. Yeah you definitely shouldn't go to sleep. You could slip into a coma and then nobody would notice. You can eventually go to sleep, just wait a while until you are sure you are alright.

  5. stay awake for at least 12 hrs and have someone wake you up every  hr for the next 12 hrs

  6. no. sorry you can't sleep ever again! No jk. Of course you can go to sleep.

  7. yes and no. even if you see a doctor you need to have someone stay with you and wake you up every 2-3 hours. this is justo to make sure you dont have a major concussion. im an emt so i know just how serious they can be. take some tylenol and if in a week to 10 days you dont get better or you get worse go to the doctor ASAP. no kidding. but yes you can sleep. just make sure you have someone to watch you.

  8. This is FALSE. It used to be recommended for observation purposes, but is no longer thought to be necessary. This is akin to an "old wives tale" nowadays.

    When to seek medical help:

    Anyone who has suffered a blow to the head, has fallen on his or her head, or has been in a situation, such as a car accident, where deceleration has occurred, should get checked by a doctor. Because the effects of traumatic brain injury aren’t always immediately apparent, it’s better to be safe than sorry. The quality and immediacy of treatment following a traumatic brain injury can have a significant effect on the survivor’s long-term outcome.

    Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury

    Symptoms of traumatic brain injury can be immediate, or they can appear after several days or weeks. Common symptoms of traumatic brain injury include:

        * Headache

        * Nausea

        * Dizziness

        * Vomiting

        * Vision disturbances

        * Fatigue

    Seeking Emergency Care

    Any time loss of consciousness occurs after an accident, the victim should be taken immediately to an emergency room. Other symptoms that indicate emergency care is needed include:

        * Convulsions

        * Weakness and numbness in the arms, legs, hands, or feet

        * Repeated vomiting

        * Slurred speech

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