
Is it bad to hate your father?

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I try not to hate him but his actions are getting to me.He has threaten to kill me at least twice.He has also threaten to hurt me as badly as to put me in a hospital.he gets angry or annoyed easily with me.And him and my mom argue constantly and i just dont understand why she hasnt divorced him.But i think its because he pays for my older brothers college but cant she get help from the government since she'll be a single mom with 3 kids?And even though my older brother isnt his son he still pays. I also think that what my father has is a bipolar disorder He'll get mad and call me worthless and a stupid child and all these other things and then 5 minutes later he'll be all nice and ask me for favors.I dont understand why he acts the way he acts towards me but im scared that he'll harm my younger 2 year old brother or harm me worse.He makes me feel horrible and the bad thing is that my mom doesnt really do much about it and she sometimes says that i deserve it.Please just give me some good advice on how to deal with this.

Please keep in mind that i dont wanna get taken away from my mom if i was to tell the authoritiesis about this.




  1. of course its bad, you wouldn't be here without him, remember that

  2. no its not

    i hate mine too

  3. sorry but since your mother is not on your side...and thinks your father is right about saying threatening stuff to you....than sorry to say both your parents have mental problems...they sound like they need therapy

  4. i don`t know him but i already hate can hate him but you can never stop lovin i don`t realy my dad ether

  5. talk to your mom about it.

    if they do get a divorce, once you're 13 or if you already are, you can choose who you want to live with.

    you can even talk to your dad about it.

    when he's in a good mood of course.

  6. It's bad to hate anyone

  7. Yes - it is bad to hate your father.  It is not wrong though.  Hate is a natural reaction to having the person you are dependent on treat you  like you are not valuable or important.  There is nothing you can do to change him.  Your mom puts up with him because she feels like she has to for some reason and the easiest way to do that is not blame him for his actions but instead blame any and everyone around him.  While that is not right it is a normal way for a woman in her position to act.

    Chin up young one.  You will survive.  Learn what not to be.  When you are on your own be something different.  Maybe one day you can even forgive your mother.  

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