
Is it bad to have a 12 year old girl friend AND...

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to have a 12 year old girlfriend at 13 AND have never met her family?




  1. its 2 early for both of u. but friend its ok,not girlfriend!

  2. not at all.

  3. uhh, dood, ur not even in HS.  

  4. no that's normal.. it will probable be over in a week anyway so whats the point

  5. no not really, but at that age u know nothing about love

  6. h**l will be a good place to think about that.  No one likes a sinner.

    Go Dream Team.  "America, Fk Yeah!"

  7. nope not really

  8. you guys are like in the 7th grade. i dont think meeting the parents at that age is really important right now. you're kids just exploring around. it's not like you plan on being really committed to her anyway. middle school relationships are mostly about "testing the waters". very few actually make the relationship go on to high school.  

  9. lemme get this straight. you're wondering if it's ok to date a girl one year younger than you, but you're only 13. you don't need to meet her family yet. you're 13. you know nothing about love

  10. its probably not true love considering ur age but what ever floats ur boat, its ur choice

  11. technically you shouldn't be dating, but who am I to judge.

    To find the creepiness factor of dating for males

    Take your age (13)

    Divide it by 2 (6.5)

    add 7 (13.5)

    however far away that final number is from your age, that's how old your girlfriend should be. So, it's only "kinda weird."

  12. well if i had a 12 year old daughter dating first off i probably wouldn't let her but yes i'd want to meet the kid and tell them together all the rules

  13. no its not bad its totally fine..go ahead have fun and when you are together a little bit longer then you will get to meet her parents..good luck =)

  14. I don't think it's bad at all, but just keep it keep it clean and you may want to meet the family and I bet they will want to know you.

  15. Well, since I assume it's not serious, yeah. I mean, you guys aren't that old yet, so it's probably casual, meaning you're not going to get out of your car and go up and shake her dad's hand and then take her somewhere.

  16. No. Both of my parents have dated people with a ten year difference in age so I don't think one year is bad.

  17. Well it shouldn't be a serious relationship and as long as you aren't hiding from her parents and you are keeping it clean slow and simple, no. It isn't bad.

  18. hi,

    you are too young to have a girlfriend.what you think is love is actually physical attraction towards that girl as rite now both of you are in your growing years and certain harmonal changes in both your bodies makes you feel that you are in love.Please read or talk to someone before thinking physical attraction is love.

  19. No, I don't think it matters. I put off meeting my boyfriend's family for a year.

  20. At your age its fine,  if you're together a while you'll meet her family,   just relax and let things go.

  21. Why did you asked this question? Does your friend is in love with you? if not its okay but when she is in love with you, it depends on her if she will still love you or find an another boy but why did you come up with this relationship in an early age? Some said age doesn't matter when it comes to love. I am not saying that you should break up just because you are too young, but to warn you that you might forget your studies because of that relationship. I hope my answer helped you.


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