
Is it bad to have speakers too close to a tv?

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Because my tv has a blue,red,and green tint on it and it only has happened when i got new surround sound had put two big speakers next to it




  1. The magnets in your speakers will eventually "burn" an image into your screen, because it screws with the color distribution in the screen.

    The tell tale sign of this happening is if there are radical colors (like waves of purple or teal) anywhere on the screen at all times.  Meaning, if your flipping through the channels, that swirl or wave is still there.

    If it is you need to move your speakers.  

    Also, dont worry if the strange colors stay, there are ways to fix that and they wont cost your a dime.

    It happened to me once, and i just held the speaker back up to the TV, then brought it back quickly a few times and the color went back to normal.

    Hope that helps!

  2. It's bad for your TV, yes it is. You'll need to move the speakers away from the TV inorder for it to work properly.

  3. Everyone's mostly right. You obviously have a picture tube television. The reason you are seeing rainbow colors is that the electron beam firing from the back of your picture tube to the front is controlled by a magnet-pair called a deflection yoke, which is mounted on your picture tube. By setting unshielded speakers (big ol' magnets) next to your TV, you are disturbing the normal "deflection" that the yoke performs to create your picture.

    Test by moving your speakers several feet away. The picture anomolies should clear up.

    You will not do permanent damage to your TV by leaving the speakers there unless they are so powerful that they dislodge the shadow mask (aperature grille if your tv is sony) from it's mount inside the tube. That's very hard to do by the way. It usually takes dropping the TV!

  4. EMI, or electromagnetic interference can be a problem to  many products.

    Conventional speakers incorporate both a permanent magnet and an AC magnetic field to produce sound. The magnetic field from the two sources can cause distortion of the image, and can possibly create permanent damage, although this will not occur instantly but over a period of time. Picture tubes, (CRTs, not LCDs or Plasmas), work by using electromagnets to scan a beam of electrons across every square inch of the screen. By placing a magnet, (i.e your speaker), near the screen, you interfere with this process. The field from the permanent magnet is present whether the speaker is active or not.

    The good news is most good speakers today are shielded, however you can purchase  materials and easily fabricate your own shields if need be. Shielding methods do not alter the sound quality of the speaker.

  5. Yes thats bad! your speakers have to be "Magnetic Sheilded" in order for them to be close to something like your tv. So if your tv is doing that when their near t5hen it is not sheilded and you need to buy something better!

  6. The phenomenon you are experiencing will ruin your TV tube.  It can and will become permanent if you are not careful. Keep them away from the TV.  And yes it is the magnets in the speakers doing this.

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