
Is it bad to let my 6 year old son clean my house?

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im prego with child #2 and my 6 yr old has been great! hes been mommas little helper but i feel like a bad parent actually lol. my family says let him do it but...really, what kind of a parent does that make me when my 6 yr old is running the vaccuum? im on bed rest at the moment so i cant really do hubby works so its been hard getting things done around here. my son seen me trying to vaccuum the other day and said he would finish and i actually let him. i know i wasnt doing that c**p at 6!! im sure its good in the long run but i just feel weird...its my job yanno?

take advantage of it?

or suck it up and do it myself?

also whats a really great reward for him since hes been so understanding of my "neglect" to him and me being limited on the activities i usually do with him? i have been doing my best recently but i dont feel its enough...





  1. Geez, your son is well-trained! :)

    I don't see anything wrong with letting your son help out around the house, as long as he isn't getting into toxic chemicals.  If the vacuum is light enough for him to manage without getting hurt, then let him have at it!

    I think a nice reward would be taking him on a mommy/son date.  Maybe take him to a movie he's been wanting to see, or take him for a picnic at the park with his favorite food.  Spend some quality time with him to show him that you appreciate his hard work, and reassure him that he will make a great big brother.  

  2. awww hun dont feel bad..if he enjoys helping you around the house let him do so..he sounds like a sweet heart!!

    plus actually having a few simple choirs around the house doesnt hurt anyone..even one as young as him. my daughter is 22 months old and already cleans her room herself ( putting away her toys, trying to make her bed..i always finish it though...puting books in their place ect.)

    dont feel like a horrible parent..your pregnant and you can only do the best you can..your boy sees this too and is trying to be a good son to his momma...he obviously loves you to offer to help.

  3. i dont find anything wrong with 1 year old bro likes to vaccume and my mom lets him help and also when the dogs are done eating he likes to put there bowls away. he is very productive and so is your kid...dont feel bad hes just diff from u when u were a kid .

  4. Wow, can I borrow him this weekend?  JK.  I think its great that he is a helper.  Just thank him for it and make sure he gets some one-on-one time when the little one is born. I think chores are good for kids teaches them responsibility.  

  5. Trust me on this, never make it seem like work to him.

    He will always enjoy it then, and keep things clean.

    I think people make a mistake in making kids think that cleaning is such a chore and over whelming.

  6. As long as he is willing to pitch in and help there is nothing wrong.  Frankly it it were me, I would devote an entire day just to him alone.  Go do the sorts of things he likes to do.  Take in a movie he wants to see, go to a game arcade, or if he is quieter a library.  If he is into animals go to the zoo or if you live near one a wild animal park.  Try to devote every hour of that one day for him.  Go to a restaurant he would like (even pregnant women can take time out and eat a bit unhealthily one day).  The entire time you are with him praise him and tell him how much you appreciate his helping out.  

  7. You've got to understand little boys...

    it's not drudgery or forced labor to him,

    it's FUN! So you are allowing him to

    broaden his little horizons. I love to

    talk to little boys like they are adults

    once in awhile, and watch them act

    like cute little men. Teach him to work!

    You will never regret it.

  8. I dont think its a bad thing, but i understand the guilt. He's so small to be helping with those kind of chores, but he obviously loves you very much, and who knows? He might think that by helping you, he's helping his new bro or sis come out faster! Thats why my kids helped me. I think a nice present is to get him something really messy, and help him with it, like finger paints or building his own pizza, then you both can assist with the cleanup!

  9. sounds like you are raising a gentleman. let him be one. when a man sees a pregnant woman vacuming, it is very nice of him to tell her to rest while he does it. I think you are doing a great job, and it's a great way for him to be involved with the baby.

    I would also like to add that I saw a couple of people say "as long as you're not making him do it,"'s ok to make your kids have chores. Everyone who lives in the home needs to contribute to it's upkeep. And that starts at a very young age.  When my child was two I had her sorting laundry by colors and putting her clothes well as her dishes. It's never too early.

  10. No you are not neglecting him, he's 6 and 6 year old little boys see themselves as "Moms Knight in Shining Armour" It won't be long before he is another "Womans" Knight (my Son is 14 and the girls are coming out of the woodwork)ENJOY IT while it grow up so fast...he sees you NEED HIS help and he is Jumping Right In and giving it his ALL...It is GREAT for his Self-Esteem...just make sure you Praise and Thank something SPECIAL for him that is not to stressful in your condition...He Loves you and THAT is a Good Thing!!!~~Aloha and Blessings~~Take Care~~Michelle~~

  11. Let him do it. My son got a dustbuster for his 6th birthday and he was exstatic. he loves cleaning and helping and is a better organizer than I am.  He's in charge of his and his big brothers room,(they share), They both clean, but Nate organizes the clothes, dusts and vaccums.  

    As long as your boy isn't doing anything that could hurt him or make him sick, i say let him help/ kids are excellent little helpers because they're closer to the ground. make a deal with him, Anything he can't reach, he doesn't have to do.  Or anything 3 feet and below is his duties.

    For a reward, there's a lot of things/ My fav is a trophy. have it say #1 son/helper/kid. whatever. It's a friggin trophy, what kid wouldn't feel proud of that?He'd be so proud of it. lol and it'd be cute just to see his face and watch him tell dad about his award.

    Another reward could be his choice of snacks or a favorite dinner. PB&J for a night wouldn't hurt. Or a pancake dinner.

    Ice cream every night, with an array of toppings, and let him decorate his toppings and yours. Just keep it sorta healthy for your sake.

  12. As long as you aren't making him do it and he is enjoying it or feels like the big helper by doing it then you are fine.  My 6 year old is like that too, I am suppose to rest a lot with this pregnancy and my mom will cook supper and he brings it to me then takes my plate back to the kitchen and gets me glasses of water and helps out around the house too.  He helps my mom wash the dishes and take out the trash.  I don't feel bad because I don't ask him to do it, it is something he wants to do to help out and I think that is great and I think someday he will make a great husband/boyfriend because he would be more willing to be helpful like that.  Just enjoy it :-)

  13. no no no ur being great as long as your not MAKING him do it then its fine lol sometimes cleaning makes kids...occupied so they have fun with it and ur preggers u shouldnt have 2 work hard enjoy having a helper but maybe if u want 2 have fun with him do it 2gether and make little tasks or something  

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