
Is it bad to listen to your mp3or radio at night time wile going to bed?

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Is it bad to listen to your mp3or radio at night time wile going to bed?




  1. I can't go to sleep without listening to my i pod touch. I listen to  internet radio, via Wifi.

  2. It's not bad to fall asleep to it, but make sure it has an auto-shutoff. Having the player on while you're sleeping will cause your brain to subconsciously try to focus on the sound, keeping you from getting a restful sleep.

  3. i learned in health class that you don't sleep as well with music playing. i also think i sleep better without music. i think it might just depend on if you're a heavy sleeper and whatnot. hope this helps (:

  4. I listen to mine every night for an hour. It has a timer so it goes off. Then it wakes me up at 6:00 AM. As far as letting it go all night, I'm sure I'd not sleep as well.


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