
Is it bad to potty train my little girl at 14 months? and how do i start potty training her?

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Is it bad to potty train my little girl at 14 months? and how do i start potty training her?




  1. You can start to potty train but I warn you most kids are not trained until around 2 or 2 1/2 years. Buy the potty, let her sit on it and get used to it, then show her what you want her to do - let her sit there while you go. Be very patient it may take a while.

    Sammi: not impossible - I have worked with kids who trained very early. Most still need help but some kids will train to tell you they have to go at least.

  2. 14 months is a little soon... The little one want even be able to hold its self up from fallin in lol and if she falls in once it will make her scared of the potty

  3. It isn't bad or wrong if your daughter is ready but going with the odds; she probably isn't. The best way in my opinion to tell if she has the ability to control her bladder is make sure you put her to bed with a dry diaper. When she wakes in the morning check her diaper. If it is still dry than she has some control. If it is wet. I would wait. Starting a child on potty training before they are ready can do more harm than good. When she is ready; what worked best for my children was I Let them color and paste things onto a piece of construction paper. Than I dug out a photo of them and glued it to the paper than taped the paper to the bathroom door. Anytime they used the potty they got 2 stickers. 1 to put on their "potty chart" and the other for them to keep. It worked like a charm for all 3 of my kids. Hope it helps you. Good luck.

  4. only do it if your child can know when they have to/have already gone, know words like "p**p" "pee" and "toilet" and hates having on a wet/dirty diaper, willing to be trained...

  5. not bad but its not possible

  6. Only if your child shows interest, should you start this early.

    It's not bad, but most children do not have control of their functions (the muscles aren't strong enough) until they are around 2-3.  So you can start now, but don't get upset when she has accidents.  

    I found that the old kind of underwear (training pants they were called) worked best, with plastic pants.  Allows for them to feel wet, unlike the training pants they have from Pampers.

    Make a big deal everytime they do it, or even when they just start telling you they have done it.  And ignore the times when they go in their pants.  

    good luck

  7. Is it bad?? No.

    Is it possible??  Probably not.

    It depends what you mean by "trained."  Do you expect her to tell you when she wants to go to the bathroom?  Do you expect her to pull her own pants up/down?  She is too young to do these things.

    Some people believe in Elimination Communication.  It's basically the parent training themselves to recognize their kid's cues when they are about to go to the bathroom.  This is more work for the parent than diapers.

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